This layered standard on top of FMI 3.0, defines how to describe and simulate network signals as input and output variables of an FMU.
[Note: Although the document refers to version 3.0 of the FMI standard, everything described in this document also applies to all subsequent minor versions. For further information on compatibility, see section Versioning and Layered Standards in the FMI 3.0 specification.]
Copyright © 2023-2025 The Modelica Association Project FMI.
This document is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. The code is released under the 2-Clause BSD License. The licenses text can be found in the LICENSE.txt file that accompanies this distribution.
1. Introduction
1.1. Intent of This Document
Automotive CAN, LIN, FlexRay, CAN FD, CAN XL and Ethernet are network technologies that have been applied successfully over many years by all automotive OEMs worldwide. Virtualizing electronic control units (ECUs) and then simulating multiple such virtual ECUs requires connecting them using a virtual version of these network technologies.
This layered standard defines what input and output variables and which FMI 3.0 features are used and how to emulate a transport layer for such network traffic. At this point it should be explicitly mentioned that this layered standard not only relates to automotive buses, but can also be extended to buses from other domains in the future.
There are mainly two base use cases envisioned here:
Physical Signal Abstraction (or High-Cut) to simply transport physical signal values between virtual ECUs.
The network properties are largely idealized: infinite bandwidth, zero-delay etc. Signals, groups of signals and their properties (e.g., units) are usually derived from (existing and validated) standard network topology description formats (such as DBC, LDF, Fibex and ARXML). -
Network Abstraction (or Low-Cut) to realize virtualized bus driver implementations [1].
This transport layer emulation allows anything from idealized to more detailed network simulations, including bandwidth restrictions, message arbitration and delays. It forwards the network payloads using binary variables. The Low-Cut abstraction layer is meant to allow virtualized bus driver implementations, including feedback from the physical drivers about transmission status or network node states. Since the Network Abstraction layer is protocol-independent, it can also be used for the simulation of non-automotive control units, e.g., from the field of industrial automation.
So that this layered standard can be supported in a variety of FMU importers and other types of simulators three possible communication architectures for bus communication are specified:
Direct Communication: Limited to exactly two FMUs, a common FMU importer that not require any special features for simulating buses, apart from supporting FMI variables, Clocks and terminals can be used to emulate bus communication.
Composition with dedicated Bus Simulation FMU: A separate Bus Simulation FMU is used to simulate the specific bus behavior. Other FMUs that want to emulate bus communication provide and relate network information via this Bus Simulation FMU. This communication architecture can be operated by a common FMU importer and allows complex and detailed bus simulations.
Importer with Integrated Bus Simulation: Works analogously to the Composition with dedicated Bus Simulation FMU architecture, whereby the Bus Simulation FMU is directly integrated into an importer or other simulator.
1.2. System Simulation Effects
This standard allows a highly accurate bus simulation using FMI 3.0 mechanisms. To profit from such accuracy on a system level to predict system behavior, all system simulation components must provide at least that level of accuracy. Focusing on single-virtual-ECUs use cases, such as protocol validation, accuracy requirements for the "rest-bus" can be relaxed.
Contrary, on system level, the accuracy of the simulation depends on the accuracy of all its components. These components can be virtual ECUs, plant models, rest-bus simulators, data replay components and, of course, the bus simulation. A single low-accuracy component limits the overall system simulation accuracy. The level of detail of these run-time models determine the size of the window for send-message events. With virtual ECUs using the zero-time execution model [2], the time of send-message events can only be determined to be somewhere within the given smallest granularity of the virtual ECU’s internal scheduler. More detailed models (like instruction set simulators or even System-C models of the hardware) can narrow the window for these events significantly. However, current (as of writing this standard) modelling technologies do not allow practical (modelling time and run time) implementations of virtual ECUs that can be used to simulate all realistic bus simulation effects (e.g. collision/arbitration events).
1.3. How to Read This Document
Conventions used in this document:
Non-normative text is given in square brackets in italic font: [Especially examples are defined in this style.]
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119] (regardless of formatting and capitalization).
In key parts of this document, non-normative examples are used to help understand the standard. To keep the standard itself brief, the FMI LS BUS Implementer’s Guide was created. It contains further technical discussions and examples on how to implement certain aspects of the standard for both FMUs and importers. Contrary to the standard, the FMI LS BUS Implementer’s Guide will be a living document, enhanced with further tips and tricks as the FMI community encounters them.
1.4. Remarks
This layered standard currently only refers to the FMI for Co-Simulation (CS). At the current time, Model Exchange (ME) and Scheduled Execution (SE) are not taken into account. All explanations in this document are therefore to be understood in the context of FMI for Co-Simulation (CS).
2. Layered Standard Manifest File
This layered standard defines requires the use of a layered standard manifest file and Table 1 shows the content of fmi-ls-manifest.xml
Attribute | Namespace | Value | Description |
Name of the layered standard in reverse domain name notation. |
Version of the layered standard. This layered standard uses semantic versioning, as defined in [PW13]. |
String with a brief description of the layered standard that is suitable for display to users. |
Defines whether the respective FMU is a Bus Simulation FMU or not.
The importer may use this information at the time of importing the FMU, depending on which System Compositions the FMUs are integrated into.
If |
An example of a manifest file for this layered standard is shown below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
fmi-ls:fmi-ls-description="Layered Standard for the simulation of bus communication on a Physical Signal Abstraction or Network Abstraction based level."
The manifest file shall be stored inside the FMU at the following path: /extra/org.fmi-standard.fmi-ls-bus/fmi-ls-manifest.xml
3. Common Concepts
Physical Signal Abstraction and Network Abstraction layers represent different levels for the exchange of bus messages. Physical Signal Abstraction focuses primarily on the exchange of signal values, while Network Abstraction provides a complete way of implementing a virtual bus driver. Depending on the exporting tool, one of the abstraction layers is more "natural" to the FMU, while the other might have to be emulated with additional internal effort or an adapter (FMU) could be used. Importers on the other hand rarely require both abstraction layers for system level compositions, because the engineering tasks define the required level of abstraction for the network communication. FMUs may choose to only support one abstraction layer providing only the corresponding variables. However, for versatility, having FMUs capable of communicating on both abstraction layers is more convenient for users.
In both the Physical Signal Abstraction and the Network Abstraction layer, the exchange of network data takes place via FMI variables. In the case of the Physical Signal Abstraction, a separate FMI variable of the respective type is created for each network signal to transfer. The network signals are structured via a PDU and frame hierarchy by using FMI 3.0 Terminals. Within the Network Abstraction, the bus is simulated using a separate, bus-specific protocol. This protocol is exchanged between the various FMUs using binary FMI variables. Since network communication is not continuous but time discrete, FMI 3.0 Clocks are used to indicate when network data is sent or received.
While the values and semantic of the Clock variables are clear, the binary frame variables are opaque to the importer but have internal structure to implement the transport mechanism of the specific network technology. Frame variables do not just transport the network-specific payload, but also carry protocol-specific status information. Status information allows, for example, the MCAL emulation of a virtual ECU to report back to the COM-stack about success or errors of a send request.
For any periodic (fixed-time) sending of messages, multiple message sends fall into one fmi3DoStep
While High-Cut signal variables will miss all but the last value sent, Low-Cut frame variables will buffer all payloads inside their value.
3.1. General Recommendations
If triggered
output Clocks are used, the importer must take care to schedule and potentially roll-back FMUs that have advanced their fmi3DoStep
past such a (surprising) triggered
Clock activation from another FMU.
It is strongly recommended to avoid using triggered
output Clocks and to instead use time-based
Clocks to avoid these complications and potential performance problems.
3.2. System Compositions
Overall, this standard considers three possible communication architectures for bus communication. It should be explicitly noted at this point that the FMUs for integration in the respective use case do not necessarily have to be different, so that the same FMU can be integrated across all three communication architectures. The interface of the FMU to the importer is always the same, but a different subset of the features is actually used.
3.2.1. Direct Communication
The first option is to use a common FMU importer. Within this configuration, the FMU importer does not require any special features for simulating buses, apart from supporting FMI variables, Clocks and terminals. The figure below illustrates the direct communication of two FMUs:
Direct bus communication is limited to exactly two FMUs. The simulation of bus communication between more than two FMUs is not possible in such a naive way. The bus simulation is also only idealized, so that the simulation of bus transmission times or arbitration, for example, is not supported. Such an ideal network differs from physical networks in the following ways (and potentially others):
Network frame arbitration: frames are sent on the wire according to network-specific priority rules.
Here all frames are transmitted at the same time without delay. -
Network congestion/bandwidth: too many network frames sent for the bandwidth of the network.
Here the network has infinite capacity. -
Protocol functions of higher levels: e.g. CAN request for retransmit is a specific protocol function.
Here such specialties must be handled by a higher layer inside the FMU. -
Incoming buffer overflow: when an ECU receives more frames than its buffer can hold.
Here the FMU will receive all frames, regardless of buffer size and would need to handle those limitations internally.
3.2.2. Composition with dedicated Bus Simulation FMU
If more realistic network properties are required, a bus simulation component must be added.
One option is to connect FMUs to a dedicated Bus Simulation FMU. The Bus Simulation FMU is used to simulate the bus behavior and differs depending on the bus type (e.g., for CAN, LIN, Ethernet or FlexRay). For example, it is used to simulate the transmission time or the failure of bus messages. A Bus Simulation FMU must provide enough Bus Terminals for all FMUs that are interconnected via a bus. The implementation of a Bus Simulation FMU can be dynamic or static, potentially generated by a tool. Because the Bus Simulation FMU can provide the described functionality, all FMUs that want to transmit bus messages send their messages to the Bus Simulation FMU. The Bus Simulation FMU can then acknowledge, delay or even reject messages and forwards messages to recipients accordingly. Some features may depend on the abstraction layer that is used. Also in this case, the FMU importer does not require any special features for bus simulation, apart from supporting FMI variables, Clocks and terminals. The figure below shows two FMUs which are connected to a specific Bus Simulation FMU. The total of three FMUs are executed on a common FMI 3.0 importer.
This type of communication allows the simulation of all bus features, such as arbitration or the simulation of timing. The supported bus features cannot be specified explicitly in the case shown, but refers to a specific implementation of a Bus Simulation FMU and depend on the requirements of the bus simulation. This communication architecture enables complex bus simulations to be implemented on lightweight FMU importers. An n:m bus communication of several FMUs is also permitted. Depending on the needs, it may be necessary to dynamically provision the Bus Simulation FMU so that it provides the appropriate number of inputs and outputs to allow all FMUs to be connected.
3.2.3. Importer with Integrated Bus Simulation
In the third variant of the communication architecture, the bus simulation is built directly into the respective importer. The supported bus features are analogous to the Composition with dedicated Bus Simulation FMU use case. The corresponding limitations regarding the behavior of the bus simulation are importer-specific. The following figure illustrates two FMUs, which are integrated by an importer that directly supports this standard and needs no further Bus Simulation FMU.
The usage of this architecture type allows the integration of this layered standard into an already existing simulator, which implements network communication with proprietary interfaces. In this case, it may also be possible to integrate other, for example manufacturer-specific, formats into a bus simulation.
3.3. Provided C-API
Besides the textual specification for FMUs with bus support, this layered standard also provides C header files to simplify the creation of FMUs with bus support. The following header files are provided:
fmi3LsBus.h provides general macros, types and structures for common Bus Operations. These header files apply to all supported bus types of the layered standard.
fmi3LsBusUtil.h provides common utility macros and structures for all supported bus types.
fmi3LsBusCan.h provides macros, types and structures of Bus Operations for CAN, CAN FD and CAN XL.
fmi3LsBusUtilCan.h provides CAN, CAN FD and CAN XL explicit utility macros.
fmi3LsBusFlexRay.h provides macros, types and structures of Bus Operations for FlexRay.
fmi3LsBusUtilFlexRay.h provides FlexRay explicit utility macros.
4. Physical Signal Abstraction (High-Cut)
This chapter describes the Physical Signal Abstraction or High-Cut in detail.
4.1. Overview
Physical Signal Abstraction allows an idealized exchange of unit-based variables between FMUs. Variables representing these physical signals are clocked to reflect the bus timing aspects of the information flow. Changes to these clocked variables always reach the destination.
The figure below shows an example architecture of a Physical Signal Abstraction. The signals (Signal 1…8) are modeled as clocked FMU variables of a specific type. The corresponding signals are structurally combined using Protocol Data Units (PDUs), which in turn are assigned to frames. The PDU and frame structuring is done via terminals (PDU A, B, C and Frame X, Y). The respective FMU variables are connected to a Bus Simulation, which emulates them according to their own needs for e.g., in accuracy.
4.2. Variables
This section explains the different variable types used to carry network traffic through FMI input and output variables.
4.2.1. Signal Variables
To define the signal abstraction layer, signal variables are defined.
A signal variable carries the physical value of a network signal normally packaged inside a PDU or frame. The unit definition of the variable must match the one defined in the network description file, if provided.
Each network signal must be listed as Terminal Member Variable of its corresponding PDU terminal.
In case multiplexed signals are present in a frame/PDU/container PDU: all signals/PDUs are present, but only the active signal according to the multiplex switch signal contains a valid value, all inactive variables have undefined values [those values could even be outside their specified min-max range without fault].
Generally, signal variables are optional, but they must either be all missing or all present to clearly indicate support for the signal abstraction layer.
All signal variables are clocked to exactly indicate when they have been sent, see Section 4.2.2.
4.2.2. Clock Variables
In order to use FMU input and output variables as transport layer for networks, input and output Clocks are used. Such a Clock is scheduled by the sending FMU to indicate the transmission of the corresponding frame or frames.
The output Clock type, periodic
or aperiodic
, is defined by the sending FMU.
This allows the FMU (or better the exporting tool) to balance the accuracy and performance of its network communication:
Clocks allow very accurate network simulations, frequently enteringEvent Mode
will reduce the network simulation speed. -
Clocks reduces the number ofEvent Modes
required and speeds up the simulation at the cost of simulation accuracy, because timing must be forced into a fixed grid and some intermediate values might not be transmitted. -
One could use (structural) parameters to define the accuracy of
Clocks, allowing control of the simulation accuracy and performance with the same FMU. -
The input Clocks shall be
The importer will then connect and merge output Clock activations, even those of different Clock types, and forwards them to the input Clocks, as required by the network semantics.
Signal variables belonging to frame BusName.FrameName
are triggered by the Clock BusName.FrameName_Clock
and all these variables and their corresponding Clock must share the same causality
or output
4.3. Network Description Files
Standardized network description files may optionally be shipped with each FMU to describe properties of signals and frames, such as signal units, frame composition and trigger conditions.
If these network description files are shipped, they must be placed into the /extra/org.fmi-standard.fmi-ls-bus
DBC, LDF, Fibex and ARXML files are allowed, e.g., Powertrain.dbc
The case-sensitive root name of the network description file must be used as network identifier in the Bus Terminal type and prefix in the variable names.
Multiple files can be specified, each one defining one network used by the FMU. This standard does not support composing one network from multiple network description files, even if using internal include mechanisms, it rather enforces the rule: one network - one file.
It is recommended to use ARXML over DBC files for CAN whenever possible, because the DBC standard lacks some key frame/PDU properties that were added only later using non-standard extensions with different dialects in use.
This document does not address potential open points of these description formats, it is assumed that such ambiguities will be handled elsewhere (e.g., message timing in the DBC format). This document does not address IP protection or copyright issues. These are technical and legal issues that need attention from standardization bodies of the referenced description formats, tool vendors and end users.
4.4. Terminal Definitions
This section defines terminals for Physical Signal Abstraction.
4.4.1. Bus Terminal
Each network connected to the FMU must be described in icons/terminalsAndIcons.xml
as a <Terminal>
element of <fmiTerminalsAndIcons><Terminals>
that wraps all frame terminals.
The attribute name
of the <Terminal>
element must match the root name of its network description file if it exists
[e.g., Powertrain
, if the file is /extra/org.fmi-standard.fmi-ls-bus/Powertrain.dbc
In any case, the attribute name
of the <Terminal>
element must be consistent with the BusName
component of all its corresponding signal, frame and Clock variables.
- Attribute definitions
. -
must bebus
. -
is the network name, e.g.,Powertrain
, see example and constraints above.
- Element definitions
There must be one
element per network frame described in the network description file, if their signal and Clock variables are present in themodelDescription.xml
- Annotation element
If a network description file is shipped with the specified FMU, there must be an
element defining which node or nodes (as comma-separated list without spaces) of the network description file are wrapped inside the FMU. If the combination of nodes specified for this FMU turns a frame and its signals into both input and output because sending and receiving nodes are specified, only the sending (output) role will be defined in the FMU interface. Receiving such frames must then be handled internally to the FMU. If no network description file is shipped with the specified FMU the<Annotation>
shall not exist.
4.4.2. Frame Terminal
Each frame listed in the network description file must be an element of its corresponding Bus Terminal.
- Attribute definitions
must beorg.fmi-ls-bus.frame-terminal
. -
must bebus
. -
must match the frame name as defined in the network description file in/extra/org.fmi-standard.fmi-ls-bus
- Element definitions
There must be one PDU terminal element per PDU of this frame.
There must be one
for the Clock this frame is connected to. ThememberName
of this variable must beTransmissionClock
The Terminal Member Variable must have the same causality
as all variables referenced in the PDU Terminals included here.
4.4.3. PDU Terminal
Each PDU listed in the network description file must be an element of its corresponding frame terminal.
- Attribute definitions
must beorg.fmi-ls-bus.pdu-terminal
. -
must bebus
. -
must match a PDU name of the network description file in/extra/org.fmi-standard.fmi-ls-bus
, if given. For network types not natively referencing a "PDU", like CAN, a synthetic PDU with the same name as its frame is inserted.
- Element definitions
There must be one
per signal of this PDU.
All TerminalMemberVariables
must have the same causality
of either input
or output
4.4.4. Terminal Member Variable for Signals
PDU terminals list all the contained signals as <TerminalMemberVariable>
- Attribute definitions
refers to the input or output variable name of the FMU. These variables represent the signal abstraction layer. Unless there are other requirements, it is recommended to build the variable names as follows:BusName.FrameName.PDUName.SignalName
, e.g.,Powertrain.tcuSensors.tcuSensors.vCar
. This approach automatically provides unique names for all bus-related variables, and can also be used for the clock variables, to allow automatic grouping by non-terminal-aware tools. -
is theSignalName
as given in the network description file, e.g.,vCar
, if given. This is redundant information but simplifies signal name extraction. -
4.4.5. Example
The following excerpts from files are used throughout this document as examples and should illustrate how the different concepts relate.
The following partial DBC file lists merely the CAN message (frame) structure. Signal trigger conditions are not included because they have no bearing on this standard.
BO_ 256 tcuSensors: 4 TCU
SG_ vCar : 0|16@1- (32,0) [-500|500] "km/h" ECU
SG_ oilTemp : 16|9@1- (2,50) [-50|150] "Degree C" ECU
BO_ 257 tcuState: 2 TCU
SG_ state : 0|2@1+ (1,0) [ 0|2] "-" ECU
SG_ gear : 2|4@1- (1,0) [-2|6] "-" ECU
SG_ targetGear : 6|4@1- (1,0) [-2|6] "-" ECU
BO_ 512 ecuState: 4 ECU
SG_ accelPedal : 0|8@1+ (2,0) [0|100] "%" TCU
SG_ k15 : 8|1@1+ (1,0) [0|1] "-" TCU
SG_ oilTemp : 9|9@1- (2,50) [-50|150] "Degree C" TCU
SG_ radiatorTemp : 18|9@1- (2,50) [-50|150] "Degree C" TCU
The modelDescription.xml
excerpt listed below shows which variables would exist for the Powertrain.dbc
shown above.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<fmiModelDescription fmiVersion="3.0" modelName="Network4FMI"
<Clock name="Powertrain.tcuSensors_Clock" valueReference="1007"
causality="input" variability="discrete" intervalVariability="triggered"/>
<Float64 name="Powertrain.tcuSensors.tcuSensors.vCar" valueReference="1005"
causality="input" variability="discrete" start="0" clocks="1007"/>
<Float64 name="Powertrain.tcuSensors.tcuSensors.oilTemp" valueReference="1006"
causality="input" variability="discrete" start="20" clocks="1007"/>
<Clock name="Powertrain.tcuState_Clock" valueReference="1011"
causality="input" variability="discrete" intervalVariability="triggered"/>
<Float64 name="Powertrain.tcuState.tcuState.state" valueReference="1008"
causality="input" variability="discrete" start="0" clocks="1011"/>
<Float64 name="Powertrain.tcuState.tcuState.gear" valueReference="1009"
causality="input" variability="discrete" start="0" clocks="1011"/>
<Float64 name="Powertrain.tcuState.tcuState.targetGear" valueReference="1010"
causality="input" variability="discrete" start="0" clocks="1011"/>
<Clock name="Powertrain.ecuState_Clock" valueReference="1016"
causality="output" variability="discrete" intervalVariability="triggered"/>
<Float64 name="Powertrain.ecuState.ecuState.accelPedal" valueReference="1012"
causality="output" variability="discrete" start="0" clocks="1016"/>
<Float64 name="Powertrain.ecuState.ecuState.k15" valueReference="1013"
causality="output" variability="discrete" start="0" clocks="1016"/>
<Float64 name="Powertrain.ecuState.ecuState.oilTemp" valueReference="1014"
causality="output" variability="discrete" start="0" clocks="1016"/>
<Float64 name="Powertrain.ecuState.ecuState.radiatorTemp" valueReference="1015"
causality="output" variability="discrete" start="0" clocks="1016"/>
The following file shows the Bus Terminal definition representing the network and frame structure defined with Powertrain.dbc
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<fmiTerminalsAndIcons fmiVersion="3.0">
<Terminal terminalKind="" name="Powertrain" matchingRule="bus"
description="Powertrain CAN bus defined with dbc file">
<Terminal terminalKind="org.fmi-ls-bus.frame-terminal" name="tcuSensors" matchingRule="bus">
<TerminalMemberVariable variableKind="signal"
variableName="Powertrain.tcuSensors_Clock" memberName="Clock" />
<Terminal terminalKind="org.fmi-ls-bus.pdu-terminal" name="tcuSensors" matchingRule="bus">
<TerminalMemberVariable variableKind="signal"
variableName="Powertrain.tcuSensors.tcuSensors.vCar" memberName="vCar" />
<TerminalMemberVariable variableKind="signal"
variableName="Powertrain.tcuSensors.tcuSensors.oilTemp" memberName="oilTemp" />
<Terminal terminalKind="org.fmi-ls-bus.frame-terminal" name="tcuState" matchingRule="bus">
<TerminalMemberVariable variableKind="signal"
variableName="Powertrain.tcuState_Clock" memberName="Clock" />
<Terminal terminalKind="org.fmi-ls-bus.pdu-terminal" name="tcuState" matchingRule="bus">
<TerminalMemberVariable variableKind="signal"
variableName="Powertrain.tcuState.tcuState.state" memberName="state" />
<TerminalMemberVariable variableKind="signal"
variableName="Powertrain.tcuState.tcuState.gear" memberName="gear" />
<TerminalMemberVariable variableKind="signal"
variableName="Powertrain.tcuState.tcuState.targetGear" memberName="targetGear" />
<Terminal terminalKind="org.fmi-ls-bus.frame-terminal" name="ecuState" matchingRule="bus">
<TerminalMemberVariable variableKind="signal"
variableName="Powertrain.ecuState_Clock" memberName="Clock" />
<Terminal terminalKind="org.fmi-ls-bus.pdu-terminal" name="ecuState" matchingRule="bus">
<TerminalMemberVariable variableKind="signal"
variableName="Powertrain.ecuState.ecuState.accelPedal" memberName="accelPedal" />
<TerminalMemberVariable variableKind="signal"
variableName="Powertrain.ecuState.ecuState.k15" memberName="k15" />
<TerminalMemberVariable variableKind="signal"
variableName="Powertrain.ecuState.ecuState.oilTemp" memberName="oilTemp" />
<TerminalMemberVariable variableKind="signal"
variableName="Powertrain.ecuState.ecuState.radiatorTemp" memberName="radiatorTemp" />
<Annotation type="ECU" />
4.5. Limitations
Physical Signal Abstraction maps several network protocols onto co-simulation variables as transport layer simulating in many ways an ideal network. Such an ideal network differs from physical networks in the following ways (and potentially others):
Network frame arbitration: frames are sent on the wire according to network-specific priority rules.
Here all frames are transmitted at the same time without delay. -
Network congestion/bandwidth: too many network frames sent for the bandwidth of the network.
Here the network has infinite capacity.
If network properties are required, a bus simulation component must be added or included with the importer. -
Protocol functions of higher levels: i.e. CAN request for retransmit is a specific protocol function.
Here such specialties must be handled by the first layer inside the FMU. -
Incoming buffer overflow: when an ECU receives more frames than its buffer can hold.
Here the FMU will receive all frames, regardless of buffer size and would need to handle those limitations internally. -
Network protocols allow frames to be sent from more than one node.
Here this is also possible, with output variables for frames (and their signals) that are sent by more than one FMU. This requires the importer to handle the case when multiple source FMUs are sending the same frame. Importers must know how to handle this, just like they must know how to handle flow variables according to Kirchhoff’s law.
5. Network Abstraction (Low-Cut)
This chapter describes the Network Abstraction or Low-Cut in detail.
5.1. Overview
The Network Abstraction allows the implementation of virtual bus drivers within FMUs on the level of the hardware abstraction layer.
Exchanging data in terms of the Layered Standard Bus Protocol via variables grouped by a dedicated Bus Terminal (see Variables), allows the implementation of bus simulations in a wide range from idealized up to detailed behavior, including e.g., timing, arbitration, error, status and other effects.
During simulation, the network communication is controlled by send and receive Bus Operations.
Based on these operations, FMUs implementing this layered standard have to react depending on their role as specified in this document.
This role can be a Bus Simulation FMU or an importer with bus simulation support on one side, and Network FMUs (e.g., virtual ECUs) on the other side (see System Compositions).
To allow importers an easy distinction between these FMU roles, for Bus Simulation FMUs the attribute isBusSimulationFMU
shall be set to true
in the Manifest file.
In general, the Layered Standard Bus Protocol is bus-type-specific, but there are some similarities among different bus types.
Bus communication often follows a Transmit
pattern, where a Network FMU sends a Transmit
operation containing the network message as payload.
Depending on the System Composition, the importer forwards the Transmit
operation either directly to receiving FMUs or to a dedicated bus simulation.
The Bus Simulation then might delay the transfer of the Transmit
operation to the receiving FMUs to simulate timing behavior, before sending a bus-specific Confirm
operation back to the sending FMU.
The point in time at which FMUs will (potentially) send new network messages can be given to the importer in advance with the proper Clock type.
Based on these times, the importer has to calculate the next communicationStepSize
for all networked FMUs.
For simulating bus communication with timing effects, the FMUs should set the Co-Simulation attribute canHandleVariableCommunicationStepSize = "true"
For simplification reasons or if a detailed bus simulation is not desired, fixed-step size FMUs can also be used with Network Abstraction. However, depending on the chosen simulation step-size, delay effects of the bus simulation have to be taken into account. Compositions with fixed-step size and variable-step size FMUs require the decoupling of the Bus Simulation logic and the Bus Simulation timing. This decoupling is realized by queuing Tx/Rx Bus Operations inside the Bus Simulation as well as queuing Tx Bus Operations inside Network FMUs. By queuing Bus Operations, System Compositions with variable-step size FMUs as well as fixed-step size FMUs can be simulated together without affecting each other.
5.2. Layered Standard Bus Protocol
The Layered Standard Bus Protocol allows the transmission of Bus Operations between FMUs in binary form via Clocks and clocked variables (see Variables). Depending on the role (Network or Bus Simulation), FMUs have to respond to received operations as specified by this layered standard. Operations and the reaction on receipt are bus-type-specific and therefore described in the bus-specific chapters. However, the description follows a uniform structure and consists of two parts, an overview table and a detailed description of all operations.
The overview table represents the binary format of operations and is structured as follows:
OP Code: The operation code defines the unique value of the operation. It consists of four bytes in length.
Length: A four byte total data length (OP Code + Length + Arguments) field following the OP Code. For operation with variable size arguments, the total length can vary in value at runtime.
Arguments: The arguments of the respective operation. The number of arguments is defined for each operation within this standard. For arguments with a variable length, an argument pair composed of length and data is used.
The following table shows an example of an operation definition. The name is OperationName and has the OP Code 0x01. The operation has three arguments Arg1 (2 bytes long), Arg2_Length (1 byte long), Arg2_Data (<Arg2Length> bytes long), whereby argument 2 and argument 3 form a coherent variable length argument.
Operation Type |
Operation Content |
OP Code |
Length |
Specific Content |
OperationName |
0x01 |
10 + <Arg2_Length> |
1 byte Arg1 |
1 byte Arg2_Length |
<Arg2_Length> byte Arg2_Data |
Additionally, all operations are described separately in detail in the following structure:
Name |
Name of the operation (e.g., OperationName) |
Description |
Contains a description of the specified operation. |
OP Code [hex] |
OP code of the operation (e.g., 0x01) |
Content |
Argument |
Length |
Description |
OP Code |
4 bytes |
Contains the OP Code of the specified operation. |
Length |
4 bytes |
Defines the cumulative length of all arguments in bytes.
The following applies for this operation: |
Arg1 |
1 byte |
The first argument of the operation. |
Arg2_Length |
1 byte |
Contains the length of the Arg2_Data argument in bytes. |
Arg2_Data |
n byte |
The second argument of the operation. |
Behavior |
Describes the behavior of a Network FMU and the Bus Simulation in the context of this operation. e.g., The specified operation shall be produced by a Network FMU and consumed by the Bus Simulation. |
Numbers shall be transmitted with
byte order. -
Since the standard allows concatenating multiple operations (see Tx/Rx Data Variables), the Length field is introduced to allow the implementation of a generic parser for received operations.
5.2.1. Format Error
The Format Error
operation is independent of the bus type and shall be used when encountering a syntax or content error of received operations.
Name |
Format Error |
Description |
Represents a generic format operation error, which can be initiated by every operation. This error shall be used when generally encountering a problem with the syntax or content of an operation. |
OP Code [hex] |
0x01 |
Content |
Argument |
Length |
Description |
OP Code |
4 bytes |
Contains the OP Code of the specified operation. For this operation, the OP Code always has the value 0x01 within all bus types. |
Length |
4 bytes |
Defines the cumulative length of all arguments in bytes.
The following applies for this operation: |
Data Length |
2 bytes |
Specifies the length of the Data argument in bytes. |
Data |
n byte |
Stores the complete binary data of the operation that caused the specified |
Behavior |
The specified operation shall be produced and consumed by Network FMUs and the Bus Simulation. |
5.2.2. Basic Type Definitions
The following basic types are defined for this standard, which apply to all supported buses. These basic types are used in the bus-specific parts within the operation definitions as operation arguments.
The following values for the boolean basic type are defined:
Boolean |
Value |
Description |
0x00 |
Describes the boolean value: False. |
0x01 |
Describes the boolean value: True. |
5.3. Variables
This section explains how layered standard bus protocol operations are sent and received by FMUs using FMI 3.0 Clock and clocked variables [3]. While the former (see Tx Clock Variables and Rx Clock Variables) are used for scheduling and time synchronization, the latter (see Tx/Rx Data Variables) are used to carry the layered standard bus protocol operations in binary form. To summarize, four variables with the following characteristics and relations are used:
variable is clocked by theRx_Clock
variable, both withcausality
set toinput
. -
variable is clocked by theTx_Clock
variable. Thecausality
for theTx_Data
variable shall beoutput
, but for theTx_Clock
variable it depends on the selected Clock type (see Tx Clock Variables).
Both variable pairs must be listed as member of its corresponding Bus Terminal.
5.3.1. Tx Clock Variables
As described in the FMI 3.0 specification, Clock variables are used to synchronize events between importer and across FMUs.
Since Clock variables are strictly related to the Event Mode
, networked FMUs shall set the Co-Simulation attribute hasEventMode = "true"
in the model description file.
The point in time where Bus Operations are transferred from the Tx_Data
to the Rx_Data
variables is defined by the Tx_Clock
This point is also referred to as the Bus Communication Point.
A Bus Communication Point and a regular communication point can take place at the same time, but should be considered as independent by the importer.
In contrast to a regular communication point where input/output variables used in step mode are exchanged, only the clocked Tx/Rx data variables needs to be considered by the importer.
For defining the point in time of a Bus Communication Point, time-based
or triggered
Clocks can be used for the Tx_Clock
Hence the Clock type can influence the bus simulation significantly - the differences should be taken into account. Time-based Tx Clock Variables
A time-based
variable allows networked FMUs to announce a Bus Communication Point for the next simulation step in advance.
The announced Tx time however does not mean that a Bus Operation really has to be transferred, but that the connected networked FMUs should enter the Event Mode
at that time.
An importer has to determine proper communication step sizes to synchronize networked FMUs at the announced Tx time.
[Note: While simulation it can happen that no Tx_Data
has to be transferred to the Rx_Data
variable at the announced Tx time. In this case the returned 'valueSize' of the Tx_Data
variable is 0.]
Although the causality
of a time-based
variable and a triggered
variable are each input
, it is allowed to connect both, since a time-based
Clock variable of an FMU is considered only to be a request to the importer to provide an attendant Clock source.
Because of the common Clock source however, both Clock variables (Rx/Tx) might get active at the same time.
To make sure that the Rx_Data
variables is set properly, an importer has to activate the Rx_Clock
variable under consideration of Tx_Data
and Rx_Data
[Note: For clarity always a direct connection line between the Tx_Clock
and Rx_Clock
variables is shown in figures of this document.]
A time-based
Clock can be periodic
or aperiodic
Both allow defining Bus Communication Points independently of the regular communication points with fixed or variable distances.
The difference between the two Clock types is listed in the following table.
Clock properties |
intervalVariability |
Description |
The Bus Communication Point interval is defined in the |
The Bus Communication Point interval is defined in the |
The Bus Communication Point interval is defined in the |
The Bus Communication Point interval must be provided in |
The Bus Communication Point interval must be provided in |
Network FMUs using a time-based
variable should set the Co-Simulation attribute canHandleVariableCommunicationStepSize = "true"
in the model description file, since fmi3DoStep
is typically called with variable communicationStepSize
. Triggered Tx Clock Variables
A triggered
Clock basically allows signalling events when returning from fmi3DoStep
either by using an Early Return
or when the requested communication point at \(t_{i+1}\) was reached.
Since signaling Tx_Clock
events with an early return at \(t < t_{i+1}\) would require to set connected networked FMUs back in time to reach Bus Communication Points synchronously, a triggered
variable must only be set when returning from fmi3DoStep
with the earlyReturn
argument set to fmi3False
In consequence, Bus Communication Points and regular communication points coincide and take place at the same time.
The time of a Bus Communication Point can therefore not be defined independently, but is given by the importer.
Pending Tx data shall be signaled by returning from fmi3DoStep
with the eventHandlingNeeded
arguments set to fmi3True
5.3.2. Rx Clock Variables
The input Clocks (Rx_Clock
) shall be triggered
5.3.3. Tx/Rx Data Variables
The Tx/Rx variables are of type fmi3Binary
and contain multiple Bus Operations, as sent or receive by the FMU.
If no Bus Operations shall be sent by a specified Network FMU at a given Bus Communication Point, the size of the corresponding binary Tx_Data
variable shall be set to zero.
The senders can choose how many Bus Operations are buffered and/or for how long operations are buffered before activating an output Clock to trigger the actual sending of these operations.
This allows senders to trade accuracy for speed: buffering more and interrupting the simulation less will lead to faster simulations, but less accurate timing of the network communication.
5.3.4. Selecting the type of Tx Clock
Selecting suitable Tx variables allows the FMU (or better the exporting tool) to balance the accuracy and performance of its network communication:
Clocks allow very accurate network simulations, frequently enteringEvent Mode
will reduce the network simulation speed. -
Clocks and queueing the operations to be transmitted reduces the number ofEvent Mode
entries and speeds up the simulation at the cost of simulation accuracy. -
One could use (structural) parameters to define the accuracy of
Clocks, allowing control of the simulation accuracy and performance with the same FMU.
5.3.5. MIME Types
Within FMI, every binary FMI variable has a mimeType
, which indicates the type of data passed as a binary.
This type indicates which specific bus type is involved.
It ensures that only bus types of the same type can be interconnected, since FMI only allows the connection of two MIME types of the same binary variables.
The following table lists the MIME types to use for the Tx/Rx data variables within a Bus Terminal:
MIME type | Description |
application/org.fmi-standard.fmi-ls-bus.can; version="1.0.0-rc.1" |
Binary variables simulating a CAN network including CAN, CAN FD and CAN XL |
application/org.fmi-standard.fmi-ls-bus.lin; version="1.0.0-alpha.1" |
Binary variables simulating a LIN network |
application/org.fmi-standard.fmi-ls-bus.flexray; version="1.0.0-alpha.1" |
Binary variables simulating a FlexRay network |
application/org.fmi-standard.fmi-ls-bus.ethernet; version="1.0.0-alpha.1" |
Binary variables simulating an Ethernet network |
As in the table, above the version of a specified bus type is integrated within the MIME type. The MIME type and the associated versioning ensure that only compatible bus types can be connected to each other. The version number marks the set of available operations for a specified bus type. The versioning follows the rules of semantic versioning, as defined in [PW13].
5.4. Terminal Definitions
This section defines terminals for Network Abstraction.
A schematic representation of an FMU with a Bus Terminal is shown in the following figure:
5.4.1. Bus Terminal
Each network connected to the FMU must be described in icons/terminalsAndIcons.xml
as a <Terminal>
element of <fmiTerminalsAndIcons><Terminals>
There shall be exactly one <Terminal>
element for each network of the FMU.
- Attributes of a Bus Terminal
. -
must beorg.fmi-ls-bus.transceiver
Terminal member variables with memberNameTx_{Data|Clock}
variables shall be connected to Terminal member variables with memberNameRx_{Data|Clock}
, and vice versa.
The variable type shall be equal. -
should be the network name, e.g., "Powertrain", see example.
- Elements of a Bus Terminal
A Bus Terminal shall contain four
elements with the followingmemberName
attribute is used to define the role of the referred variable in the Bus Terminal.
of these four members must besignal
. -
The use of the same variable within different Bus Terminals is not allowed.
Bus systems can add specific configuration parameters in a nested Configuration Terminal.
Empty Configuration Terminals can be omitted.
- Configuration Terminal
- Attributes of the nested Configuration Terminal
must be "Configuration". -
. -
must bebus
5.4.2. Example
The following excerpts from files are used throughout this document as examples and illustrate how the different concepts relate.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<fmiModelDescription fmiVersion="3.0" modelName="Network4FMI"
<Clock name="Powertrain.Rx_Clock" valueReference="1002"
causality="input" variability="discrete" intervalVariability="triggered"/>
<Binary name="Powertrain.Rx_Data" valueReference="1001" causality="input"
mimeType="application/org.fmi-standard.fmi-ls-bus.can; version="1.0.0-rc.1"" variability="discrete" clocks="1002"/>
<Clock name="Powertrain.Tx_Clock" valueReference="1004"
causality="input" variability="discrete" intervalVariability="changing"/>
<Binary name="Powertrain.Tx_Data" valueReference="1003" causality="output"
mimeType="application/org.fmi-standard.fmi-ls-bus.can; version="1.0.0-rc.1"" variability="discrete" clocks="1004"/>
<Boolean name="BusNotification" valueReference="1005" causality="parameter" variability="fixed" start="false"/>
The following file shows the Bus Terminal-related definition:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<fmiTerminalsAndIcons fmiVersion="3.0">
<Terminal terminalKind="" name="Powertrain" matchingRule="org.fmi-ls-bus.transceiver"
description="Powertrain CAN Bus Terminal definition">
<TerminalMemberVariable variableKind="signal"
variableName="Powertrain.Rx_Clock" memberName="Rx_Clock" />
<TerminalMemberVariable variableKind="signal"
variableName="Powertrain.Rx_Data" memberName="Rx_Data" />
<TerminalMemberVariable variableKind="signal"
variableName="Powertrain.Tx_Clock" memberName="Tx_Clock" />
<TerminalMemberVariable variableKind="signal"
variableName="Powertrain.Tx_Data" memberName="Tx_Data" />
<Terminal terminalKind="org.fmi-ls-bus.configuration" name="Configuration" matchingRule="bus">
<TerminalMemberVariable variableKind="signal"
variableName="BusNotification" memberName="BusNotification" />
5.5. Bus-Specific Details
For each supported bus type, the Layered Standard Bus Protocol is defined. This chapter describes the operations of the Layered Standard Bus Protocol to enable the simulation of supported bus types.
5.5.1. CAN, CAN FD, CAN XL
This chapter describes the Layered Standard Bus Protocol for CAN, CAN FD and CAN XL. The various CAN standards CAN, CAN FD and CAN XL are considered together, because they are very similar and can also be combined in certain scenarios. Overview
To simulate CAN, CAN FD and CAN XL buses, CAN-specific operations are specified based on the Layered Standard Bus Protocol. Overall, the following groups of operations exists:
Transmit: This group of operations is used to simulate a frame transmission. There are three specializations of this operation, one each for CAN, CAN FD and CAN XL frames.
Confirm: An acknowledgment of transmitted CAN frames is defined by the CAN standard. This kind of operation is used to simulate this behavior.
Error: This group of operations is used for protocol format errors and to simulate bus failures. For example, the failure of a transmission can be indicated.
Arbitration Lost: The operation is used by Bus Simulations to inform Network FMUs that a frame could not be transmitted immediately.
Configuration: This operation enables the configuration of bus-specific parameters and options that are required to simulate the bus behavior properly. For example, it allows the specification of the baud rate or influencing the buffer behavior.
Status: This operation is used by Networked FMUs to inform Bus Simulations about the internal state (Active/Passive/Bus-Off) which concerns the reaction on bus errors.
Wake up: CAN supports wake up and sleep scenarios. Normally there are two ways to wake up from sleep mode: a local wake up on a specified wake-up pin, or a wake-up on the CAN bus via a CAN specific wake-up pulse. This operation is used to simulate triggering a wake-up from bus side.
The following table gives a detailed overview of the available operations. It shows all operations and the arguments they contain.
Operation Name |
Operation Content |
OP Code |
Length |
Specific Content |
Format Error |
0x01 |
:= 10 + n |
DL [4] |
Data |
CAN Transmit |
0x10 |
:= 16 + DL |
ID |
Ide |
Rtr |
DL |
Data |
CAN FD Transmit |
0x11 |
:= 17 + DL |
ID |
Ide |
Brs |
Esi |
DL |
Data |
CAN XL Transmit |
0x12 |
:= 22 + DL |
ID |
Ide |
Sec |
AF |
DL |
Data |
Confirm |
0x20 |
:= 12 |
ID |
Arbitration Lost |
0x30 |
:= 12 |
ID |
Bus Error |
0x31 |
:= 15 |
ID |
Error Code |
Error Flag |
Is Sender |
Configuration |
0x40 |
<Length> |
Kind |
Dynamic Part |
Status |
0x41 |
:= 9 |
Status |
Wakeup |
0x42 |
:= 8 |
--- | Operations
This section defines the specified operations for CAN, CAN FD and CAN XL. The following tables provide an overview of all operations and specifies the position and length of the corresponding arguments, as well as the respective flow direction. Transmit
There are three types of Transmit
operations for transmission of CAN, CAN FD and CAN XL frames.
Name |
CAN Transmit |
Description |
Initiates the transmission of CAN frames. |
OP Code [hex] |
0x10 |
Content |
Argument |
Length |
Description |
OP Code |
4 bytes |
Contains the OP Code (0x10) of the operation. |
Length |
4 bytes |
Defines the cumulative length of all arguments in bytes.
The following applies for this operation: |
ID |
4 bytes |
The specified ID of the CAN message. The ID must be considered here as a purely numerical value. This means that there is no need for separate segmentation between the 11-bit base CAN identifier and an 18-bit CAN identifier extension information that is known from the CAN protocol. Additional information such as Ide is also not part of the ID, but is treated separately. |
Ide |
1 byte |
Specified whether the ID should be transmitted as standard (11-bit) or extended (29-bit) message identifier.
For specification the boolean values |
Rtr |
1 byte |
Specifies whether the given frame represents a Remote Transmission Request frame.
For specification the boolean values |
Data Length |
2 bytes |
Specifies the length of the Data argument in bytes. Note: The argument value describes the actual data length and not the CAN Data Length Code (DLC). |
Data |
n bytes |
Stores the given frame data to transfer, whereby the valid length of the data depends on the CAN Format. Note: The value of this argument also includes padding bytes if these are required by the CAN format in the respective situation. |
Behavior |
The |
Name |
CAN FD Transmit |
Description |
Represents an operation for the transmission of a CAN FD frame. |
OP Code [hex] |
0x11 |
Content |
Argument |
Length |
Description |
OP Code |
4 bytes |
Contains the OP Code (0x11) of the operation. |
Length |
4 bytes |
Defines the cumulative length of all arguments in bytes.
The following applies for this operation: |
ID |
4 bytes |
The specified ID of the CAN message. The ID must be considered here as a purely numerical value. This means that there is no need for separate segmentation between the 11-bit base CAN identifier and an 18-bit CAN identifier extension information that is known from the CAN protocol. Additional information such as Ide is also not part of the ID, but is treated separately. |
Ide |
1 byte |
Specified whether the ID should be transmitted as standard (11-bit) or extended (29-bit) message identifier.
For specification the boolean values |
Brs |
1 byte |
Defines the Bit Rate Switch.
For specification the boolean values |
Esi |
1 byte |
Error State indicator.
For specification the boolean values |
Data Length |
2 bytes |
Specifies the length of the Data argument in bytes. Note: The argument value describes the actual data length and not the CAN Data Length Code (DLC). |
Data |
n bytes |
Stores the given frame data to transfer, whereby the valid length of the data depends on the CAN FD Format. Note: The value of this argument also includes padding bytes if these are required by the CAN format in the respective situation. |
Behavior |
The behavior is identical to the CAN Transmit behavior. |
Name |
CAN XL Transmit |
Description |
Represents an operation for the transmission of a CAN XL frame. |
OP Code [hex] |
0x12 |
Content |
Argument |
Length |
Description |
OP Code |
4 bytes |
Contains the OP Code (0x12) of the operation. |
Length |
4 bytes |
Defines the cumulative length of all arguments in bytes.
The following applies for this operation: |
ID |
4 bytes |
The specified ID of the CAN message. The ID must be considered here as a purely numerical value. This means that there is no need for separate segmentation between the 11-bit base CAN identifier and an 18-bit CAN identifier extension information that is known from the CAN protocol. Additional information such as Ide is also not part of the ID, but is treated separately. |
Ide |
1 byte |
Specified whether the ID should be transmitted as standard (11-bit) or extended (29-bit) message identifier.
For specification the boolean values |
Sec |
1 byte |
Simple Extended Content
For specification the boolean values |
1 byte |
Describes the structure of the frames Data Field content (SDU type). |
1 byte |
Represents the virtual CAN network ID. |
AF |
4 bytes |
Represents the CAN XL Acceptance Field (AF). |
Data Length |
2 bytes |
Specifies the length of the Data argument in bytes. Note: The argument value describes the actual data length and not the CAN Data Length Code (DLC). |
Data |
n bytes |
Stores the given frame data to transfer, whereby the valid length of the data depends on the CAN XL Format. Note: The value of this argument also includes padding bytes if these are required by the CAN format in the respective situation. |
Behavior |
The behavior is identical to the CAN Transmit behavior. | Confirm
The Confirm
operation is used to signal the successful reception of a transmitted CAN frame (see Transmit
operation) by at least one Network FMU.
Name |
Confirm |
Description |
Signals successful receipt of a transmitted CAN, CAN FD and CAN XL frame to simulate a CAN acknowledgment behavior. |
OP Code [hex] |
0x20 |
Content |
Argument |
Length |
Description |
OP Code |
4 bytes |
Contains the OP Code (0x20) of the operation. |
Length |
4 bytes |
Defines the cumulative length of all arguments in bytes.
The following applies for this operation: |
ID |
4 bytes |
The ID of the confirmed CAN message. |
Behavior |
This operation shall be produced by the Bus Simulation and consumed by Network FMUs. | Format Error
Represents a format error that indicates a syntax or content error of receiving operations.
See Format Error
for definition. Arbitration Lost
The Arbitration Lost
operation defines a feedback message from a Bus Simulation to a Network FMU that a Transmit
operation could not be sent immediately due to a concurrent transmit request.
Name |
Arbitration Lost |
Description |
The |
OP Code [hex] |
0x30 |
Content |
Argument |
Length |
Description |
OP Code |
4 bytes |
Contains the OP Code (0x30) of the operation. |
Length |
4 bytes |
Defines the cumulative length of all arguments in bytes.
The following applies for this operation: |
ID |
4 bytes |
The ID of the CAN message which could not be transmitted immediately because it lost arbitration. |
Behavior |
During simulation, several | Bus Error
The Bus Error
operation represents special bus communication errors, which are delivered to every participant in the network.
Name |
Bus Error |
Description |
Represents an operation for simulated bus errors. |
OP Code [hex] |
0x31 |
Content |
Argument |
Length |
Description |
OP Code |
4 bytes |
Contains the OP Code (0x31) of the operation. |
Length |
4 bytes |
Defines the cumulative length of all arguments in bytes.
The following applies for this operation: |
ID |
4 bytes |
The ID of the CAN message that was transmitted while the error happened. |
Error Code |
1 byte |
The simulated bus error, based on the table below. |
Error Flag |
1 byte |
Defines whether the Error was detected by a specified Network FMU.
For specification the boolean values |
Is Sender |
1 byte |
Set if the |
Behavior |
When transmitting CAN frames, various kinds of bus error may happen.
A Bus Simulation can simulate such errors by providing |
The following Error Codes are specified:
State |
Error Code |
Description |
0x01 |
Within the CAN standard, the sender also receives transmitted data for comparison. If the sent and received bits are not identical, this failure results in a Bit Error. |
0x02 |
A Bit Stuff Error occurs if 6 consecutive bits of equal value are detected on the bus. |
0x03 |
Occurs during a violation of End-of-Frame (EOF) format. |
0x04 |
Occurs when the data of a frame and the related checksum do not harmonize. |
0x05 |
All receiving nodes identify an invalid CAN frame. |
0x06 |
Represents an invalid transmission of a CAN Error frame. Within CAN, an Error frame is transmitted by any unit on detection of a bus error. |
The following values for the Error Flag
option are defined:
Error Flag |
Value |
Description |
0x01 |
Defines that a specified Network FMU is detecting the given |
0x02 |
Defines that a specified Network FMU is reacting on a | Configuration
The Configuration
operation is used by Network FMUs to send simulation specific options like baud rate settings to Bus Simulations.
The following information is included within this operation:
Name |
Configuration |
Description |
Represents an operation for the configuration of a Bus Simulation. In detail, the configuration of a CAN, CAN FD and CAN XL baud rate is possible. Also the configuration of further options, like buffer handling, is supported by this operation. |
OP Code [hex] |
0x40 |
Content |
Argument |
Length |
Description |
OP Code |
4 bytes |
Contains the OP Code (0x40) of the operation. |
Length |
4 bytes |
Defines the cumulative length of all arguments in bytes.
The following applies for this operation: |
Parameter Type |
1 byte |
Defines the current configuration parameter.
Note that only one parameter can be set per |
Parameters |
Baud Rate |
4 bytes |
The CAN baud rate value to configure. The required unit for the baud rate value is bit/s. |
Baud Rate |
4 bytes |
The CAN FD baud rate value to configure. The required unit for the baud rate value is bit/s. |
Baud Rate |
4 bytes |
The CAN XL baud rate value to configure. The required unit for the baud rate value is bit/s. |
Arbitration Lost Behavior |
1 byte |
This parameter defines how a Bus Simulation shall behave in cases of an arbitration lost scenario.
If the option is set to |
Behavior |
The specified operation shall be produced by a Network FMU and consumed by the Bus Simulation.
The operation shall not be routed to other Network FMUs by the Bus Simulation.
A Network FMU shall ignore this operation on the consumer side.
The following configuration parameters are defined:
Parameter |
Value |
Description |
0x01 |
This code indicates that a CAN baud rate should be configured for the Bus Simulation. |
0x02 |
Allows the configuration of a CAN FD baud rate for the Bus Simulation. |
0x03 |
Allows the configuration of a CAN XL baud rate for the Bus Simulation. |
0x04 |
This code configures the behavior of a Bus Simulation if an arbitration is lost. See Table 19 for possible values. |
The following values for the Arbitration Lost Behavior
option are defined:
Arbitration Lost Behavior |
Value |
Description |
0x01 |
0x02 |
| Status
By using the Status
operation, a Network FMU can communicate the current CAN node state to the Bus Simulation.
The following information is included within this operation:
Name |
Status |
Description |
Represents an operation for status handling. |
OP Code [hex] |
0x41 |
Content |
Argument |
Length |
Description |
OP Code |
4 bytes |
Contains the OP Code (0x41) of the operation. |
Length |
4 bytes |
Defines the cumulative length of all arguments in bytes.
The following applies for this operation: |
Status |
1 byte |
The specified status code, based on the table below. |
Behavior |
The specified operation shall be produced by Network FMUs and consumed by the Bus Simulation. The operation shall not be routed to other Network FMUs by the Bus Simulation. A Network FMU shall ignore this operation on the consumer side. A Network FMU shall report its status to the Bus Simulation after it changes. |
The following status values can be used:
Kind |
Value |
Description |
0x01 |
Indicates that a simulated CAN controller within the Network FMU has currently the CAN node state: ERROR ACTIVE.
If the status is not adjusted by a Network FMU, the Bus Simulation shall choose |
0x02 |
Indicates that a simulated CAN controller within the Network FMU has currently the CAN node state: ERROR PASSIVE.
This node state is relevant for arbitration, because |
0x03 |
Indicates that a simulated CAN controller within the Network FMU has currently the CAN node state: Bus-Off.
If a Network FMU communicates the status | Wake Up
By using the Wakeup
operation, the underlying Bus Simulation can trigger a bus-specific wake-up.
Name |
Wakeup |
Description |
Represents an operation for triggering a bus-specific wake-up. |
OP Code [hex] |
0x42 |
Content |
Argument |
Length |
Description |
OP Code |
4 bytes |
Contains the OP Code (0x42) of the operation. |
Length |
4 bytes |
Defines the cumulative length of all arguments in bytes.
The following applies for this operation: |
Behavior |
The specified operation shall be produced by a Network FMU and distributed to all participants, except the wake-up initiator, of the bus using the Bus Simulation. If a Network FMU does not support wake up, this operation can be ignored on the consumer side. | Network Parameters
This chapter defines parameters that Network FMU might provide to configure CAN-specific behavior. Bus Notification Parameter
For a detailed simulation, the CAN bus behavior regarding acknowledgment, bus errors and arbitration losses must be considered.
A Bus Simulation can simulate these effects by sending bus notifications in terms of Confirm-
, Bus Error-
and Arbitration Lost
operations to the Network FMUs.
However, in scenarios where Network FMUs are connected directly to each other, or where the Bus Simulation does not simulate such effects, it must be possible to configure the Network FMU such that it does not wait for any response after a Transmit
Therefore, a parameter with memberName = "BusNotifications"
can be added within the CAN-specific Configuration Terminal.
If a Network FMU supports bus notifications, the BusNotifications
parameter shall be exposed.
The default value of this parameter shall be false
[The default value false
allows a simple integration of Network FMUs to simulation scenarios where Confirm-
, Bus Error-
or Arbitration Lost
operations are not used.]
Only Network FMUs with the corresponding optionally exposed BusNotifications
parameter set to fmi3True
might wait for Confirm-
, Bus Error-
and Arbitration Lost
operations and respond accordingly; otherwise Network FMUs must not wait ("fire-and-forget").
Even if the Network FMU does not expect bus notifications, i.e. BusNotifications
variable was not set to fmi3True
, but receives them, it shall ignore them, i.e. it shall not report warnings or errors.
[Note that the bus notification parameter just informs the Network FMU if it can expect to receive notification operations or not. The parameter doesn’t define in any way on how to react upon receiving notification operations.]
memberName: BusNotifications type: Boolean causality: parameter variability: fixed start: false
A Bus Simulation FMU shall indicate via a variable with memberName = "BusNotifications"
within the CAN-specific Configuration Terminal whether it provides bus notifications or not.
If the provision of bus notifications can be configured (e.g., via a structural parameter), the attributes of the BusNotifications
variable shall contain causality = "calculatedParameter"
and variability = "fixed"
; or causality = "output"
and variability = "constant"
memberName: BusNotifications type: Boolean causality: calculatedParameter/output variability: fixed/constant Configuration of Bus Simulation
The configuration of the Bus Simulation is done by the Network FMUs itself.
For this purpose, the Configuration
operation provides several configuration parameters.
operations can be produced multiple times during the runtime of a Network FMU.
Because the Bus Simulation shall choose a default behavior, it might be useful in several scenarios that Network FMUs finish configuration before the production of Transmit
operations. Baud Rate Handling
In order to calculate the time required for the transmission of a bus message, it is necessary to inform the Bus Simulation about the specified baud rate from a Network FMU.
This baud rate information can be configured by using CAN_BAUDRATE
configuration kind of the Configuration
In a CAN FD scenario, both the configuration for CAN_BAUDRATE
shall be carried out.
The Bus Simulation can derive the required CAN, CAN FD or CAN XL controller type from the baud rate configurations a Network FMU carried out.
If the baud rate information is not adjusted by a specified Network FMU, the Bus Simulation shall choose a default behavior by itself. Buffer Handling
kind of Configuration
operation, the buffer handling within the Bus Simulation can be adjusted.
Using buffer handling is required in arbitration scenarios only and will be described within this context.
If the buffering is not adjusted by a specified Network FMU, the Bus Simulation shall choose a default behavior by itself. Transmission and Acknowledge
The Transmit
operation represents the sending of a CAN, CAN FD and CAN XL frame.
With appropriate options, relevant functionalities can be configured and used on a Network Abstraction level (e.g., Virtual CAN network ID for CAN XL or Bit Rate Switch for CAN FD).
In the real world, flawlessly transmitted CAN frames will be acknowledged by at least one receiver CAN node.
To simulate this behavior, the Confirm
operations are introduced.
In addition, the BusNotifications
parameter is defined to support lightweight bus simulations and directly connected Network FMUs.
If BusNotifications
is false
(default), then Network FMUs must not rely on receiving Confirm
operations for the specified Bus Terminal.
In this case, the bus simulation is idealized and takes place in a "fire-and-forget" manner.
If a specified Network FMU is depending on Confirm
operations and BusNotifications
is false
, the self confirmation shall be realized internally within the respective Network FMU for the specified Bus Terminal.
Figure 11 illustrates this communication, whereby FMU 1 transmits network data to FMU 2. Subsequently, FMU 1 self-confirms the transmission internally.
For a detailed simulation, the Bus Simulation has to support Confirm
In this case, the BusNotifications
parameter of the Network FMUs can be set to fmi3True
as Network FMUs can rely on receiving Confirm
operations for the specified Bus Terminal.
The following Figure 12 illustrates the behavior, whereby FMU 1 transmits network data to FMU 2 via a Bus Simulation.
If all Network FMUs, except the one initiating the Transmit
operation, communicate the status BUS_OFF
, the Bus Simulation shall not provide a confirmation.
The FMI LS BUS Implementer’s Guide contains an example of the possible transmission results and displays them in a diagram. Error Handling
The CAN protocol includes a sophisticated fault confinement mechanism to prevent malfunctioning within CAN nodes.
A Transmit Error Counter (TEC) and a Receive Error Counter (REC) represent a historical communication quality metric.
To maintain the TEC and REC values, Bus Error
operations shall be provided to all Network FMUs by the Bus Simulation.
The argument Is Sender
shall be set to TRUE
for the Network FMU the Transmit
operation originated from.
The argument Error Flag
shall be set to PRIMARY_ERROR_FLAG
if the Network FMU detects the transmission error.
If a Network FMU changes its current CAN node state, the Status
operation shall be provided to the Bus Simulation.
When a Network FMU signals the BUS_OFF
state to the Bus Simulation, it shall not provide any new Transmit
operations in order to simulate a real Bus-Off behavior.
The FMI LS BUS Implementer’s Guide contains an example of how to realize CAN error handling based on the Bus Operations specified by this layered standard. Arbitration
Arbitration is an instrument of the CAN standard to resolve the conflict of the simultaneous sending of messages from several CAN nodes without a collision.
The arbitration is handled in the Bus Simulation and can be recognized by the fact that the Bus Simulation receives a Transmit
operation from several FMUs at the same time.
As soon as an arbitration is lost, an Arbitration Lost
operation shall be returned to the respective sender within the next Event Mode
As soon as an FMU receives an Arbitration Lost
operation, it can independently repeat the corresponding Transmit
Within a Configuration
operation, the Arbitration Lost Behavior
argument can be specified.
Once this option is set to BUFFER_AND_RETRANSMIT
, the Bus Simulation buffers the frame after losing arbitration and sends it as soon as possible.
In this case, it is not necessary for the Network FMU to re-send the respective frame and an Arbitration Lost
operation shall not be returned to the specific Network FMU.
If the Arbitration Lost Behavior
, the specified Network FMU is informed by an Arbitration Lost
operation and needs to repeat the corresponding Transmit
operation by itself.
Arbitration is available in communication architectures with Bus Simulation only, i.e., it is not available for directly connected Network FMUs.
In the case of arbitration, the Bus Simulation must also take the status of the respective Network FMU into account, which is communicated via a Status
To simulate the behavior of the CAN Extra Suspend Transmission Time when a CAN node is in Error Passive state, the Bus Simulation shall prefer Network FMUs whose status is ERROR_ACTIVE
(see Table 21).
The FMI LS BUS Implementer’s Guide contains examples of the presented arbitration cases and visualizes them using sequence diagrams. Wake Up/Sleep
This standard supports wake up and sleep functionality for the CAN bus. However, the realization of local virtual ECU wake-up and sleeping processes, i.e., the transition to the sleep state as well as the virtual ECU local wake-up process, is considered internal to the FMU implementation. Therefore, only the bus-related aspects are defined in this document.
The CAN-specific wake-up pulse can be simulated by using the Wakeup
operation, initiated by one Network FMU.
The Bus Simulation shall distribute this operation to all participants on the bus, excluding the wake-up initiator.
5.5.2. LIN
This chapter describes the Layered Standard Bus Protocol for LIN. The LIN chapter is currently only a preview and will be further adapted during the development of this standard. Overview
To simulate LIN buses, LIN-specific operations are specified based on the Layered Standard Bus Protocol. Overall, the following groups of operations exists:
Transmit: This group of operations is used to simulate a frame transmission. There are three specific operations that represent the different communication options between a LIN Master and one or more LIN Slaves.
Error: This group of operations is used for protocol format errors and to simulate bus failures. For example, the failure of a transmission can be indicated.
Configuration: This operation enables the configuration of bus-specific parameters and options that are required to simulate the bus behavior properly. For example, it allows the specification of the baud rate.
Status: This operation is used by Networked FMUs to inform Bus Simulations about the internal state (Power Off/Initialization/Operation/Sleep) which concerns the reaction on bus errors.
Wake up: LIN supports wake up and sleep scenarios. Normally there are two ways to wake up from sleep mode: a local wake up on a specified wake-up pin, or a wake-up on the LIN bus via a LIN specific wake-up pulse. This operation is used to simulate triggering a wake-up from bus side.
The following table gives a detailed overview of the available operations. It shows all operations and the arguments they contain.
Operation Name |
Operation Content |
OP Code |
Length |
Specific Content |
Format Error |
0x00 |
:= 5 + n |
Data |
Header |
0x10 |
:= 7 |
Response Data Length |
Response |
0x11 |
:= 8 + DL |
Response Error |
DL |
Data |
Header Response |
0x12 |
:= 7 + DL |
DL |
Data |
Bus Error |
0x20 |
:= 12 |
ID |
Error Code |
Configuration |
0x30 |
<Length> |
Kind |
Dynamic Part |
Status |
0x40 |
:= 6 |
Status |
Wakeup |
0x41 |
:= 5 |
--- | Operations
This section defines the allowed operations for LIN. The following tables provide an overview of all operations and specifies the position and length of the corresponding arguments, as well as the respective flow direction. Transmit
There are three types of Transmit
operations, each representing the transmission of a LIN header, a response and a combination of a header and response.
Name |
Header |
Description |
Represents an operation for the transmission of a LIN header from a LIN Master to LIN slaves. |
OP Code [hex] |
0x10 |
Content |
Argument |
Length |
Description |
OP Code |
1 byte |
Contains the OP Code of the specified operation. For this operation the OP Code always has the value 0x10. |
Length |
4 bytes |
Defines the cumulative length of all arguments in bytes.
For this operation always applies: |
1 byte |
The specified protected ID (PID) of the LIN message. The maximum length of a PID is 8-bit. |
Response Data Length |
1 byte |
The size of the response in bytes. |
Behavior |
The Header operation shall be provided by Network FMUs to initiate the transmission of a LIN header.
In case of direct connected Network FMUs (see Section 3.2.1), the FMU importer forwards the operation directly to the receiving Network FMUs.
If a Bus Simulation is involved (see Section 3.2.2 and Section 3.2.3), the FMU importer forwards the operation initially to the Bus Simulation, where the operation is distributed with respect to the simulated bus behavior.
Depending on the simulation details, the Bus Simulation might respond with a |
Name |
Response |
Description |
Represents an operation for the transmission of a LIN response from a LIN Slave to the LIN Master. |
OP Code [hex] |
0x11 |
Content |
Argument |
Length |
Description |
OP Code |
1 byte |
Contains the OP Code of the specified operation. For this operation the OP Code always has the value 0x11. |
Length |
4 bytes |
Defines the cumulative length of all arguments in bytes.
For this operation always applies: |
1 byte |
The specified protected ID (PID) of the LIN message. The maximum length of a PID is 8-bit. |
Response Error |
1 byte |
Represents the Response Error field of a LIN frame.
For specification the boolean values |
Data Length |
1 byte |
Specifies the length of the Data argument in bytes. |
Data |
n bytes |
Stores the given frame data to transfer, whereby the valid length of the data depends on the LIN Format. |
Behavior |
The Response operation shall be provided by Network FMUs to initiate a response to a given LIN header.
In case of direct connected Network FMUs (see Section 3.2.1), the FMU importer forwards the operation directly to the receiving Network FMUs.
If a Bus Simulation is involved (see Section 3.2.2 and Section 3.2.3), the FMU importer forwards the operation initially to the Bus Simulation, where the operation is distributed with respect to the simulated bus behavior.
Depending on the simulation details, the Bus Simulation might responsd with a |
Name |
Header Response |
Description |
Represents an operation for the transmission of a LIN header and response from a LIN Master to LIN slaves. |
OP Code [hex] |
0x12 |
Content |
Argument |
Length |
Description |
OP Code |
1 byte |
Contains the OP Code of the specified operation. For this operation the OP Code always has the value 0x12. |
Length |
4 bytes |
Defines the cumulative length of all arguments in bytes.
For this operation always applies: |
1 byte |
The specified protected ID (PID) of the LIN message. The maximum length of a PID is 8-bit. |
Data Length |
1 byte |
Specifies the length of the Data argument in bytes. |
Data |
n bytes |
Stores the given frame data to transfer, whereby the valid length of the data depends on the LIN Format. |
Behavior |
The Header Response operation shall be provided by Network FMUs to initiate the transmission of a LIN frame that contains the specified header and response.
In case of direct connected Network FMUs (see Section 3.2.1), the FMU importer forwards the operation directly to the receiving Network FMUs.
If a Bus Simulation is involved (see Section 3.2.2 and Section 3.2.3), the FMU importer forwards the operation initially to the Bus Simulation, where the operation is distributed with respect to the simulated bus behavior.
Depending on the simulation details, the Bus Simulation might respond with a | Format Error
Represents a format error that indicates a syntax or content error of receiving operations.
See Format Error
for definition. Bus Error
The Bus Error
represents special bus communication errors, which are delivered to the LIN Master node in the network.
Name |
Bus Error |
Description |
Represents an operation for bus communication error handling. |
OP Code [hex] |
0x20 |
Content |
Argument |
Length |
Description |
OP Code |
1 byte |
Contains the OP Code of the specified operation. For this operation the OP Code always has the value 0x20. |
Length |
4 bytes |
Defines the cumulative length of all arguments in bytes.
For this operation always applies: |
ID |
4 bytes |
The specified ID of the LIN message which triggers the error. |
Error Code |
1 byte |
The specified error code, basing on the table below. |
Behavior |
The specified operation shall be produced by the Bus Simulation and consumed by Network FMUs.
An Error operation is always a reaction from the Bus Simulation to a |
The following codes are allowed to use as Error Code:
State |
Error Code |
Description |
0x01 |
Represents a bit error.
The given error is always related to a specific |
0x02 |
Represents a CRC error.
The error can occur during a collision of multiple response frames when Event-Triggered-Frames are used.
The given error is always related to a specific |
0x03 |
Represents an Identifier Parity Error.
The error can occur during a collision of multiple LIN headers.
The given error is always related to a specific |
0x04 |
Represents a Slave Not Responding Error.
The error can occur if LIN Slaves does not respond to a specified LIN header.
The given error is always related to a specific |
0x05 |
Represents an Inconsistent-Synch Field Error.
The given error is always related to a specific |
0x06 |
Represents a Physical Bus Error.
The given error is always related to a specific | Configuration
The Configuration
operation allows Network FMUs the configuration of the Bus Simulation with parameters like baud rate information and further options.
The following information are included within this operation:
Name |
Configuration |
Description |
Represents an operation for the configuration of a Bus Simulation. In detail the configuration of a LIN baud rate is possible. Also the configuration of further options, like LIN Master or LIN Slave representation, is supported by this operation. |
OP Code [hex] |
0x30 |
Content |
Argument |
Length |
Description |
OP Code |
1 byte |
Contains the OP Code (0x30) of the operation. |
Length |
4 bytes |
Defines the cumulative length of all arguments in bytes.
The following applies for this operation: |
Parameter Type |
1 byte |
Defines the current configuration parameter.
Note that only one parameter can be set per |
Parameters |
Baud Rate |
4 byte |
The specified baud rate value to configure, whereby the specified ranges are defined by the LIN standard. The required unit for the baud rate value is bit/s. |
Node Definition |
1 byte |
Configures the required node type (Master or Slave) within a Bus Simulation.
Possible values are: |
Behavior |
The specified operation shall be produced by a Network FMU and consumed by the Bus Simulation.
The operation shall not be routed to other Network FMUs by the Bus Simulation.
A Network FMU shall ignore this operation on consumer side.
The configuration shall be completed by a specified Network FMU before it produces any |
The following Kind values are allowed to be used:
Kind |
Value |
Description |
0x01 |
This code indicates that a LIN baud rate should be configured for the Bus Simulation. |
0x02 |
This code configures the specified node type (Master or Slave) within a Bus Simulation. |
The following values for the Arbitration Lost Behavior option are defined:
Node Definition |
Value |
Description |
0x01 |
Configuration of a LIN Master node within a specified Bus Simulation. |
0x02 |
Configuration of a LIN Slave node within a specified Bus Simulation. | Status
By using the Status
operation a Network FMU can communicate the current LIN node state of the simulated LIN Controller within the Network FMU to the Bus Simulation.
The following information are included within this operation:
Name |
Status |
Description |
Represents an operation for status handling. |
OP Code [hex] |
0x40 |
Content |
Argument |
Length |
Description |
OP Code |
1 byte |
Contains the OP Code of the specified operation. For this operation the OP Code always has the value 0x40. |
Length |
4 bytes |
Defines the cumulative length of all arguments in bytes.
For this operation always applies: |
Status |
1 byte |
The specified status code, basing on the table below. |
Behavior |
The specified operation shall be produced by Network FMUs and consumed by the Bus Simulation. The operation shall not be routed to other Network FMUs by the Bus Simulation. A Network FMU shall ignore this operation on the consumer side. A Network FMU shall report its status to the Bus Simulation after it changes. |
The following status values are allowed to use:
Kind |
Value |
Description |
0x01 |
Indicates that a simulated LIN controller within the Network FMU has currently the LIN node state: Power Off. |
0x02 |
Indicates that a simulated LIN controller within the Network FMU has currently the LIN node state: Initialization. |
0x03 |
Indicates that a simulated LIN controller within the Network FMU has currently the LIN node state: Operation. |
0x04 |
Indicates that a simulated LIN controller within the Network FMU has currently the LIN node state: Sleep. | Wake Up
By using the Wakeup
operation the underlying Bus Simulation can trigger a bus-specific wake-up.
Name |
Wakeup |
Description |
Represents an operation for triggering a bus-specific wake-up. |
OP Code [hex] |
0x41 |
Content |
Argument |
Length |
Description |
OP Code |
1 byte |
Contains the OP Code of the specified operation. For this operation the OP Code always has the value 0x41. |
Length |
4 bytes |
Defines the cumulative length of all arguments in bytes.
For this operation always applies: |
Behavior |
The specified operation shall be produced by a Network FMU and distributed to all participants, except the wake-up initiator, of the bus by using the Bus Simulation. If a Network FMU does not support wake-up this operation can be ignored on consumer side. | Transmission and Reception
To be defined. Detection of Collisions
To be defined. Configuration of Bus Simulation
The configuration of the Bus Simulation is done by the Network FMUs itself.
For this purpose, the Configuration
operation provides several configuration parameters.
operations can be produced multiple times during the runtime of a Network FMU.
Because the Bus Simulation shall choose a default behavior, it might be useful in several scenarios that Network FMUs finish configuration before the production of Transmit
operations. Baud Rate Handling
In order to calculate the time required for the transmission of a bus message, it is necessary to inform the Bus Simulation about the specified baud rate from a Network FMU.
This baud rate information can be configured by using LIN_BAUDRATE
configuration kind of the Configuration
If the baud rate information is not adjusted by a specified Network FMU, the Bus Simulation shall choose a default behavior by itself. Node Definition
kind of Configuration
operation, the specified node type LIN_MASTER
needs to be adjusted.
This configuration must be done before the first exchange of Transmit
A Bus Simulation should stop as soon as more than one LIN Master is configured in a network. Error Handling
To be defined. Wake Up/Sleep
This standard supports wake up and sleep for the LIN bus, whereby only the bus-specific parts are taken into account.
This means that the realization of local virtual ECU wake-up and sleeping processes are internal parts of the respective FMU, which is not covered by this document.
Because entering sleep state is a virtual ECU internal process always within LIN bus, this can be ignored.
Also, the virtual ECU local wake-up process is ignored as well.
The LIN-specific wake-up pulse can be simulated by using the Wakeup
A Wakeup
operation is initiated by one Network FMU and shall be distributed to all participants of the bus,except the wake-up initiator, by the Bus Simulation.
5.5.3. FlexRay
This chapter describes the Layered Standard Bus Protocol for FlexRay. Overview
This specification refers primary to the data link layer specification of FlexRay communications systems defined by ISO 17458-2:2013(en). Furthermore, essential elements from previous FlexRay specifications are covered so that they can also be realized using this layered standard.
To simulate FlexRay communication between Networked FMUs, FlexRay-specific operations are specified based on the Layered Standard Bus Protocol. Overall, the following operations and groups of operations exists:
Transmit, Cancel and Confirm: These operations are used to simulate a FlexRay frame transmission.
Bus- and Format Error: This group of operations is used for protocol format errors and to simulate bus failures.
Configuration: This operation enables the controller to publish bus-specific parameters and options that are required to simulate the bus behavior properly. For example, it allows the specification of a macrotick duration or the length of static/dynamic slots.
Start Communication: This operation is used by Networked FMUs or Bus Simulations to start the FlexRay communication.
Symbol: Represents a set of operations that are used for transmission of FlexRay-specific symbols, like for wake-up, startup or media testing.
The following table gives a detailed overview of the available operations. It shows all operations and the arguments they contain.
Operation Name |
Operation Content |
OP Code |
Length |
Specific Content |
Format Error |
0x01 |
:= 10 + n |
DL |
Data |
Transmit |
0x10 |
:= 17 + DL |
Cycle ID |
Slot ID |
Channel |
… |
DL |
Data |
Cancel |
0x11 |
:= 12 |
Cycle ID |
Slot ID |
Channel |
Confirm |
0x12 |
:= 12 |
Cycle ID |
Slot ID |
Channel |
Bus Error |
0x20 |
:= 13 |
Error Flags |
Cycle ID |
Segment Indicator |
Channel |
Configuration |
0x30 |
<Length> |
Kind |
Dynamic Part |
Start Communication |
0x40 |
:= 16 |
Start Time |
Symbol |
0x50 |
:= 11 |
Cycle ID |
Channel |
Type | Basic Type Definitions
The following basic types are defined for the FlexRay section and are used within the operation definitions as operation arguments. Channel Type
The following values for the channel type are defined:
[Flag] Channel |
Value |
Description |
0x01 |
Describes the FlexRay Channel A. |
0x02 |
Describes the FlexRay Channel B. | Operations
This section defines the specified operations for FlexRay. The following tables provide an overview of all operations and specify the position and length of the corresponding arguments. Also a detailed description of the operations is provided. Transmit
The Transmit
operation is used to simulate the transmission of FlexRay frames.
Name |
Transmit |
Description |
Initiates the transmission of FlexRay frames. |
OP Code [hex] |
0x10 |
Content |
Argument |
Length |
Description |
OP Code |
4 bytes |
Contains the OP Code (0x10) of the operation. |
Length |
4 bytes |
Defines the cumulative length of all arguments in bytes.
The following applies for this operation: |
Cycle ID |
1 byte |
The specified Cycle ID of the FlexRay message. |
Slot ID |
2 bytes |
Specifies the FlexRay Slot ID of the given frame. |
Channel |
1 byte |
The specified channel type value, based on Table 36, whereby the combination of more than one channel is allowed. |
Startup Frame Indicator |
1 byte |
Specifies whether the given frame represents a startup frame.
The boolean values |
Sync Frame Indicator |
1 byte |
Specifies whether the given frame represents a sync frame.
The boolean values |
Null Frame Indicator |
1 byte |
Specifies whether the payload contains valid data (= |
Payload Preamble Indicator |
1 byte |
Indicates whether the payload contains a network management vector (= |
Data Length |
1 byte |
Specifies the length of the Data argument in bytes. |
Data |
n bytes |
Stores the given frame data to transfer, whereby the valid length of the data depends on the FlexRay Format. |
Behavior |
The | Cancel
The Cancel
operation is used for cancellation of a FlexRay frame transmission.
Name |
Cancel |
Description |
Initiates the cancellation transmission of FlexRay frames within a Bus Simulation. |
OP Code [hex] |
0x11 |
Content |
Argument |
Length |
Description |
OP Code |
4 bytes |
Contains the OP Code (0x11) of the operation. |
Length |
4 bytes |
Defines the cumulative length of all arguments in bytes.
The following applies for this operation: |
Cycle ID |
1 byte |
The specified Cycle ID of the |
Slot ID |
2 bytes |
Specifies the FlexRay Slot ID of the |
Channel |
1 byte |
The specified channel type value, based on Table 36 of the |
Behavior |
The | Confirm
Name |
Confirm |
Description |
Signals a successful transmitted FlexRay frame. |
OP Code [hex] |
0x12 |
Content |
Argument |
Length |
Description |
OP Code |
4 bytes |
Contains the OP Code (0x12) of the operation. |
Length |
4 bytes |
Defines the cumulative length of all arguments in bytes.
The following applies for this operation: |
Cycle ID |
1 byte |
The specified Cycle ID of the |
Slot ID |
2 bytes |
Specifies the FlexRay Slot ID of the |
Channel |
1 byte |
The specified channel type value, based on Table 36, whereby the combination of more than one channel is allowed. |
Behavior |
The specified operation shall be produced by the Bus Simulation and consumed by Network FMUs.
The Bus Simulation provides the | Format Error
A format error indicates a syntax or content error in response to a received operation.
See Format Error
for definition. Bus Error
The Bus Error
operation represents feedback of a Bus Simulation for a specified Transmit
operation in case of an unsuccessful transmission.
The following information is included within this operation:
Name |
Bus Error |
Description |
Represents an operation for simulated bus errors. |
OP Code [hex] |
0x20 |
Content |
Argument |
Length |
Description |
OP Code |
4 bytes |
Contains the OP Code (0x20) of the operation. |
Length |
4 bytes |
Defines the cumulative length of all arguments in bytes.
The following applies for this operation: |
Error Flags |
1 byte |
The specified error flag(s), based on the table below. The allowed combinations are defined by the FlexRay specification itself. |
Cycle ID |
1 byte |
The specified FlexRay Cycle ID. |
Segment Indicator |
2 bytes |
Identifies the specified FlexRay segment, where the |
Channel |
1 byte |
The specified channel type value, based on Table 36. |
Behavior |
The specified operation shall be produced by the Bus Simulation and consumed by Network FMUs.
It represents a direct feedback corresponding to a specified |
The following Error Flags can be used:
[Flag] Kind |
Value |
Description |
0x01 |
Indicates a valid |
0x02 |
Indicates a syntactic error in a time slot of a |
0x04 |
Indicates a content error of a receiving |
0x08 |
Indicates that a boundary violation occurred at a boundary of the corresponding slot.
This type of |
0x16 |
Indicates that a reception from another Network FMU is already ongoing while the specified Network FMU starts a transmission via a |
The following segment types can be used:
Kind |
Value |
Description |
0xFFFE |
Indicates the FlexRay Symbol Window segment. |
0xFFFF |
Indicates the FlexRay Network Idle Time (NIT) segment. | Configuration
The Configuration
operation allows Network FMUs the configuration of the Bus Simulation with parameters like the length of a slot or the duration of a macrotick and further options.
The following information are included within this operation:
Name |
Configuration |
Description |
Represents an operation for the configuration of a Bus Simulation. It contains necessary parameters for timing calculations of transmissions and for node compatibility checks across the whole FlexRay network. Also the configuration of further options is supported by this operation. |
OP Code [hex] |
0x30 |
Content |
Argument |
Length |
Description |
OP Code |
4 bytes |
Contains the OP Code (0x30) of the operation. |
Length |
4 bytes |
Defines the cumulative length of all arguments in bytes.
The following applies for this operation: |
Parameter Type |
1 byte |
Defines the current configuration parameter.
Note that only one parameter can be set per |
Parameters |
Macrotick Duration |
4 bytes |
Specifies the duration of one macrotick in nanoseconds.
See |
Macroticks per Cycle |
2 bytes |
Defines the length of a cycle in macroticks.
See |
Cycle Count Max |
1 byte |
Defines the maximum cycle counter value in a given FlexRay cluster.
See |
ActionPoint Offset |
1 byte |
Defines the action point offset of a static slot in macroticks.
See |
Static Slot Length |
2 bytes |
Defines the length of a static slot within the static segment in macroticks.
See |
Number of Static Slots |
2 bytes |
Specifies the number of static slots within one FlexRay cycle.
See |
Static Payload Length |
1 byte |
Specifies the length of static slot payload in bytes.
See |
Minislot ActionPoint Offset |
1 byte |
Defines the action point offset of a minislot in macroticks.
See |
Number of Minislots |
2 bytes |
Specifies the number of minislots within one FlexRay cycle.
See |
Minislot Length |
1 byte |
Defines the length of a minislot within a dynamic segment in macroticks.
See |
Symbol ActionPoint Offset |
1 byte |
Defines the action point offset within the symbol window in macroticks.
See |
Symbol Window Length |
1 byte |
Specifies the length of symbol window in macroticks, whereby a zero value is allowed.
See |
NIT Length |
2 bytes |
Specifies the length of the Network Idle Time in macroticks.
See |
NM Vector Length |
1 byte |
Specifies the length of the Network Management Vector.
See |
Dynamic Slot Idle Time |
4 bytes |
Defines the length of dynamic slot idle time within a dynamic segment in macroticks, whereby zero defines that is not used. |
Coldstart Node |
1 byte |
Specifies if the given FlexRay node represents a coldstart node or not, by using Table 45. If a specified node has coldstart capabilities, additionally the type of coldstart shall be defined. |
Behavior |
The specified operation shall be produced by a Network FMU.
In case of directly connected Network FMUs (see Section 3.2.1), Network FMUs also receive |
The following configuration parameters are defined:
Parameter |
Value |
Description |
0x01 |
Indicates global FlexRay parameters used by the Network FMU. |
The following coldstart node types are defined:
Coldstart Node Type |
Value |
Description |
None |
0x01 |
Describes that the current node has no coldstart capabilities. |
TT-D coldstart node |
0x02 |
Indicates a TT-D coldstart node. |
TT-E coldstart node |
0x03 |
Indicates a TT-E coldstart node. |
TT-L coldstart node |
0x04 |
Indicates a TT-L coldstart node. | Start Communication
By using the Start Communication
operation, a Network FMU or Bus Simulation communicates the start of the first communication cycle.
The following information is included within this operation:
Name |
Start Communication |
Description |
Starts the FlexRay communication. |
OP Code [hex] |
0x40 |
Content |
Argument |
Length |
Description |
OP Code |
4 bytes |
Contains the OP Code (0x40) of the operation. |
Length |
4 bytes |
Defines the cumulative length of all arguments in bytes.
The following applies for this operation: |
8 bytes |
Defines the absolute simulation time in nanoseconds when the first FlexRay cycle has started. |
Behavior |
The specified operation shall be produced by a Network FMU and distributed to all participants, except the | Symbol
The Symbol
operation is used for transmission of FlexRay-specific symbols, e.g. for wake-up, startup or media testing in the symbol window.
Name |
Symbol |
Description |
Operation representing a symbol transmitted in the FlexRay symbol window. |
OP Code [hex] |
0x50 |
Content |
Argument |
Length |
Description |
OP Code |
4 bytes |
Contains the OP Code (0x50) of the operation. |
Length |
4 bytes |
Defines the cumulative length of all arguments in bytes.
The following applies for this operation: |
Cycle ID |
1 byte |
The specified FlexRay Cycle ID. If a FlexRay cycle is not yet running (for example when initiating a startup through a collision avoidance symbol), the value 0 should be used. |
Channel |
1 byte |
The specified channel type value, based on Table 36. |
Type |
1 byte |
The specified symbol type, based on the table below. |
Behavior |
The specified operation shall be produced by a Network FMU and distributed to all participants, except the |
The following symbol type values can be used:
Kind |
Value |
Description |
0x01 |
The collision avoidance symbol is used to indicate the start of the first communication cycle. |
0x02 |
The media test symbol is used for testing of a bus guardian. |
0x03 |
The wake-up symbol is used for waking up other FlexRay nodes of the specified network. | Network Parameters
This chapter defines parameters that Network FMU might provide to configure FlexRay-specific behavior. Bus Notification Parameter
For a detailed simulation, a Network FMU needs information about whether the message sent has arrived or whether a bus error has occurred.
A Bus Simulation can simulate these effects by sending bus notifications in terms of Confirm-
and Bus Error
operations to the Network FMUs.
However, in scenarios where Network FMUs are connected directly to each other, or where the Bus Simulation does not simulate such effects, it must be possible to configure the Network FMU such that it does not wait for any response after a Transmit
Therefore, a parameter with memberName = "BusNotifications"
can be added within the FlexRay-specific Configuration Terminal.
If a Network FMU supports bus notifications, the BusNotifications
parameter shall be exposed.
The default value of this parameter shall be false
[The default value false
allows a simple integration of Network FMUs to simulation scenarios where Confirm-
or Bus Error
operations are not used.]
Only Network FMUs with the corresponding optionally exposed BusNotifications
parameter set to fmi3True
might wait for Confirm-
and Bus Error
operations and respond accordingly; otherwise Network FMUs must not wait ("fire-and-forget").
Even if the Network FMU does not expect bus notifications, i.e. BusNotifications
variable was not set to fmi3True
, but receives them, it shall ignore them, i.e. it shall not report warnings or errors.
[Note that the bus notification parameter just informs the Network FMU if it can expect to receive notification operations or not. The parameter doesn’t define in any way on how to react upon receiving notification operations.]
memberName: BusNotifications type: Boolean causality: parameter variability: fixed start: false
A Bus Simulation FMU shall indicate via a variable with memberName = "BusNotifications"
within the FlexRay-specific Configuration Terminal whether it provides bus notifications or not.
If the provision of bus notifications can be configured (e.g., via a structural parameter), the attributes of the BusNotifications
variable shall contain causality = "calculatedParameter"
and variability = "fixed"
; or causality = "output"
and variability = "constant"
memberName: BusNotifications type: Boolean causality: calculatedParameter/output variability: fixed/constant Delivery on Boundary Parameter
In order to minimize the number of Bus Communication Points of an entire simulation system, it can make sense that the Bus Simulation always delivers Transmit
operations on a concrete slot boundary.
Under the condition that participating Network FMUs also provide their Transmit
operations on a slot boundary, the behavior means that the Transmit
operation to be received, the next Transmit
operation to be sent and a Confirm
or Bus Error
operation are provided and exchanged at exactly one Bus Communication Point.
Therefore, a parameter with memberName = "DeliveryOnBoundary"
can be added within the FlexRay-specific Configuration Terminal to switch the behavior in the Bus Simulation.
If the value of the parameter is set to fmi3True
, the Bus Simulation provides Transmit
operations and also resulting Confirm-
and Bus Error
operations at a concrete slot boundary.
If the value of the parameter is set to fmi3False
, the Bus Simulation provides the respective operations after the calculated transfer time.
See Section and Section for details.
The default value shall be true
If a Network FMU is supporting the delivery on slot boundaries only, the parameter shall be omitted.
memberName: DeliveryOnBoundary type: Boolean causality: parameter variability: fixed start: true
A Bus Simulation FMU shall indicate via a variable with memberName = "DeliveryOnBoundary"
within the FlexRay-specific Configuration Terminal whether it provides operations on a concrete slot boundary or not.
If the delivery on slot boundaries can be configured (e.g., via a structural parameter), the attributes of the DeliveryOnBoundary
variable shall contain causality = "calculatedParameter"
and variability = "fixed"
; or causality = "output"
and variability = "constant"
memberName: DeliveryOnBoundary type: Boolean causality: calculatedParameter/output variability: fixed/constant Configuration of Bus Simulation
The timing behavior of FlexRay communication is typically defined globally in a design phase of the FlexRay network.
At runtime, the globally defined communication parameters must be used by all network nodes to communicate successfully.
To ensure that all Network FMUs use compatible parameters and to tell Bus Simulations how to simulate the FlexRay communication, Network FMUs shall send the Configuration
Configuration parameters which are mandatory to provide when first entering the Event Mode
immediately after leaving the Initialization Mode
are of type FLEXRAY_CONFIG
Network FMUs receiving Configuration
operations of type FLEXRAY_CONFIG
shall check its compatibility.
Bus Simulations are also allowed to perform compatibility checks of FLEXRAY_CONFIG
In this case, a Bus Simulations must not forward Configuration
operations to Network FMUs.
In cases of detected incompatibilities, the simulation shall be refused accordingly. Wake Up/Sleep
This standard supports wake up and sleep functionality for the FlexRay bus. However, the realization of local virtual ECU wake-up and sleeping processes, i.e., the transition to the sleep state as well as the virtual ECU local wake-up process, is considered internal to the FMU implementation. Therefore, only the bus-related aspects are defined in this document.
The FlexRay-specific wake-up pulse can be simulated by using the Symbol
operation, initiated by one Network FMU, whereby Type
The Bus Simulation shall distribute this operation to all participants on the bus, excluding the Symbol
operation initiator. Startup
Before frames can be transferred, the communication must be started.
The startup process follows a defined sequence in which FlexRay nodes synchronizes step by step (for a detailed description refer to [ISO-17458-2]).
FlexRay nodes, that are allowed to start the FlexRay communication, are referred to as coldstart nodes.
The coldstart ability of a Network FMU must be communicated by the Coldstart Node
parameter of the Configuration
For starting the FlexRay communication, a coldstart Network FMU shall send a Symbol
operation whereby the Type
to announce the start of the first FlexRay communication cycle.
A Bus Simulation must forward the Symbol
operation immediately to the other Network FMUs.
are not allowed to send the Symbol
operation likewise from this point onwards.
The first communication cycle is then started by sending the Start Communication
Network FMUs must synchronize their internal FlexRay clock based on the received Start Time
The start time of the first communication cycle is defined as \(T_{Start}\) in this specification.
After the Start Communication
operation has been sent, the Network FMU starts sending Transmit
operations, whereby the Startup Frame Indicator
argument is set to TRUE
. Emulating Coldstart Nodes
Normally, the startup process requires at least two coldstart nodes.
For simulation systems coldstart Network FMUs are missing (because only a subset of nodes is to be simulated), a Bus Simulation is allowed to start the FlexRay communication by emulating the behavior of missing coldstart nodes.
For this purpose, structural parameters e.g. for defining the startup time (\(T_{Start}\)) or the Slot ID
for startup frames can be provided by the Bus Simulation.
Because those parameters are Bus Simulation specific, they are not further defined in the specification. Transmission and Reception
The exact time or permitted range for sending a message is essential for FlexRay, as this is a scheduled bus protocol. Within this section the data flow is first described in more detail. After this temporal aspects for data transmission are explained.
Similar to the other buses, the Transmit
operation represents the core of a bus transmission.
It contains all relevant frame data and is provided by a Network FMU in the role of a sender, potentially via a Bus Simulation, to one or more Network FMUs in the role of a receiver.
A Confirmation-
and Bus Error
operation represents feedback from a Bus Simulation for a previously carried out Transmit
Depending on the BusNotifications
parameter, a successful transmission of a Transmit
operation results for a Network FMU in a Confirmation
operation, an unsuccessful Transmit
operation in a Bus Error
If BusNotifications
is false
(default), then Network FMUs must not rely on receiving Confirm
If a specified Network FMU is depending on Confirm
operations and BusNotifications
is false
, the self confirmation shall be realized internally within the respective Network FMU.
If a Bus Simulation is involved, the following applies: A Network FMU can update a Transmit
operation in a Bus Simulation as long as the same value is used for the Slot ID
The last Transmit
operation is always valid (last-is-best semantics).
A Transmit
operation can be updated as long as the Bus Simulation has not yet started to simulate the transmission of the representing FlexRay frame.
The Cancel
operation allows the cancellation of such buffered Transmit
operations within a Bus Simulation.
Figure 20 illustrates the sequence of the operations mentioned.
First, FMU 1 provides a Transmit
operation for the Bus Simulation.
Within the next two steps, FMU 1 updates the specified Transmit
In the next step, the last Transmit
operation, provided by FMU 1, is transferred to FMU 2 by the Bus Simulation.
Also the Bus Simulation provides a Confirm
operation for FMU 1.
Figure 21 illustrates a sequence with focus to the Cancel
First, FMU 1 provides a Transmit
operation for the Bus Simulation.
Within the next step, FMU 1 updates the specified Transmit
In the next step, the transmission ist canceled via Cancel
By using the Cancel
operation, the Transmit
operation will not be forwarded to other Network FMUs by the Bus Simulation.
No transmission takes place within the simulation system.
At bus level, the macrotick represents the smallest time unit on a FlexRay bus. A total of four protocol parts are logically mapped onto this: The static and the dynamic segment, the so-called symbol window and the Network Idle Time (NIT). The static and dynamic segment is in turn divided into different sections, so-called FlexRay slots. These segments repeat themselves in certain FlexRay cycles. Figure 22 visualizes the segmentation of a cycle.
Within a real FlexRay bus, every macrotick represents a potential temporal synchronization point for the respective segments and frames to be transmitted.
During a simulation, however, this type of synchronization would be unnecessarily inefficient.
For simulation scenarios it is highly recommended that Transmit
operations always be provided at the beginning of a slot.
This minimizes the Bus Communication Points of the overall simulation system and usually increases the performance of the whole simulation.
This behavior is defined more specifically and slightly differently depending on whether it is a static or dynamic segment.
What both segments have in common is that the Network FMU itself must know the appropriate time of a Transmit
operation basing on the FlexRay cycle and slot principle.
In concrete terms, this means that a Network FMU itself must provide the expected Transmit
operation at the appropriate time via Tx Clock Variables.
The start time of the first FlexRay cycle is defined by the Start Time
argument value of the Start Communication
That concrete means that the point in time for the start of FlexRay cycle in nanoseconds can be computed within a Network FMU as
, where:
\(T_{\mathrm{Start}}\) represents the start time of the first FlexRay cycle (see
Start Time
argument within theStart Communication
operation) in nanoseconds. -
\(L_{\mathrm{Cycle}}\) defines length of FlexRay cycle in nanoseconds (see
Macrotick Duration
andMacroticks per Cycle
arguments within theConfiguration
operation). -
\(N_{\mathrm{Cycle}}\) specifies the number of cycles per iteration (see
Cycle Count Max
argument within theConfiguration
operation, whereas \(N_{\mathrm{Cycle}} = \mathrm{gCycleCountMax} + 1\)). -
\(i_{\mathrm{Iteration}}\) represents the desired iteration of complete FlexRay cycles.
\(i_{\mathrm{Cycle}}\) represents the cycle within the given iteration with \(i_{Cycle} \lt N_{Cycle}\).
The point in time for the start of FlexRay cycle of the current iteration with focus to the simulation time can be computed within a Network FMU as
, where:
\(t\) represents the current simulation time in nanoseconds with \(t \geq T_{\mathrm{Start}}.\) Static Segment
For a static segment, a Network FMU shall provide the respective Transmit
operation in an interval starting at the beginning of a slot and ending at the action point (see ActionPoint Offset
argument within the Configuration
operation) of a slot.
Within this time window, the Network FMU must provide the respective Transmit
operation for a specific slot.
The point in time at which a Bus Simulation shall provide Transmit
operations and also resulting Confirm-
or Bus Error
operations depends on the DeliveryOnBoundary
configuration parameter.
If the parameter is set to fmi3False
, the Bus Simulation provides the respective operations directly after the calculated transmission time (see orange arrow in Figure 23).
If the parameter is true
(default), the corresponding operations are only provided at the slot boundary (green arrow in Figure 23).
The starting point of the slot can be calculated at runtime based on the FLEXRAY_CONFIG
configuration parameters as
, where:
\(i_{\mathrm{Slot}}\) represents the index of the static slot for transmission (see
Slot ID
argument of theTransmit
operation). -
\(L_{\mathrm{StaticSlot}}\) defines the length of a static slot within the static segment in nanoseconds (see
Macrotick Duration
andStatic Slot Length
argument within theConfiguration
This results in an interval in which a Network FMU shall provide a specified Transmit
, where:
\(T_{\mathrm{ActionPoint}_{\mathrm{Static}}}\) represents the action point offset of a static and symbol slot in nanoseconds (see
Macrotick Duration
andActionPoint Offset
argument within theConfiguration
In a sequence of operations to the respective actors and focus to the FlexRay slot counter, communication is presented as shown in Figure 24.
At the beginning of slot 6, FMU 1 provides a frame to be sent in the form of a Transmit
operation for the Bus Simulation.
After simulation of the specified transmission time, the Bus Simulation provisions the Transmit
operation to FMU 2 and a Confirm
operation to FMU 1. Dynamic Segment
When using the dynamic segment, the use is analogous to the use of Transmit
operations in the static segment.
Network FMUs need to provide a Transmit
operation within a well-defined time window and with respect to the designated minislot.
Since the dynamic FlexRay segment works more event-based, it can happen that a transmission is already ongoing at the current time.
For this reason, the slot counter within Network FMUs are important, especially in the dynamic segment.
Within the dynamic segment, Slot ID = n + m represents the first valid point in time when a Network FMU is allowed to provide the respective Transmit
operation, whereby n indicates the number of Transmit
operations provided within the ahead static segment and m the number of past minislots within the current dynamic segment.
As in the static segment, a permitted interval is defined between the concrete start of the minislot and the Minislot ActionPoint Offset
(see Configuration
The point in time at which a Bus Simulation shall provide operations, analogous to the static segment, depends on the DeliveryOnBoundary
configuration parameter.
If the configuration parameter is set to fmi3False
, the Bus Simulation provides the respective operation directly after the calculated transmission time (see orange arrow in Figure 25).
If the parameter is set to fmi3True
, the corresponding operations are only provided at the slot boundary (green arrow in Figure 25).
In sequence Figure 26 multiple transmissions of FlexRay frames within the dynamic segment are shown.
At the beginning the internal slot counters of FMU 1 and FMU 2 are equal to 8.
Within the first and the second minislot, neither FMU 1 nor FMU 2 wants to transmit a frame.
After the second elapsed minislot the internal slot counter values of FMU 1 and FMU 2 are equal to 10.
Subsequently this FMU 1 provides a Transmit
operation to the Bus Simulation for a transmission that uses the dynamic segment and Slot ID = 10
After this the Bus Simulation provides the Transmit
operation to FMU 2 and in the same step a Confirm
operation for FMU 1.
All in all the transmission will take two minislots.
Minislot 5 expires without a Network FMU wanting to make a transmission again and the internal slot counters are set to 11.
In minislot 6 FMU 2 initiates a transmission via Transmit
operation for Slot ID = 12
Afterward, the Bus Simulation provides the Transmit
operation to FMU 1 and in the same step a Confirm
operation for FMU 2.
This transmission will take three minislots.
If no Bus Simulation is involved, the transmission always applies: The length of a dynamic slot is exactly one minislot, since the transmission duration is not taken into account.
Within a Network FMU the first valid point in time when a specified Transmit
operation, with respect to the specified Slot ID
shall be provided can be computed as
, where:
\(N_{\mathrm{StaticSlot}}\) represents the number of static slots within one FlexRay cycle (see
Number of Static Slots
argument within theConfiguration
operation). -
\(i_{\mathrm{Slot}}\) represents the specified Slot ID for transmission within the dynamic segment (see
Slot ID
argument of theTransmit
operation). -
\(L_{\mathrm{Minislot}}\) represents the length of a minislot within a dynamic segment in macrotick (see
Minislot Length
argument within theConfiguration
Within a Network FMU the latest valid point in time when a specified Transmit
operation, with respect to the specified Slot ID
shall be provided can be computed as
, where:
\(N_{\mathrm{StaticSlot}}\) represents the number of static slots within one FlexRay cycle (see
Number of Static Slots
argument within theConfiguration
operation). -
\(i_{\mathrm{Slot}}\) represents the specified Slot ID for transmission within the dynamic segment (see
Slot ID
argument of theTransmit
operation). -
\(L_{\mathrm{DynamicSlot}_j}\) represents the number of used minislots for transmission of dynamic slot j, where also idled minislots are considered.
\(L_{\mathrm{Minislot}}\) represents the length of a minislot within a dynamic segment in macrotick (see
Minislot Length
argument within theConfiguration
[It should be noted that \(T_{\mathrm{Start}}\) is already taken into account in \(T_{\mathrm{Tx}_{\mathrm{Static}}}(...)\) and doesn’t need to be considered a second time.]
This results in an interval in which a Network FMU shall provide a specified Transmit
operation of
, where:
\(T_{\mathrm{ActionPoint}_{\mathrm{Dynamic}}}\) represents the minislot action point offset of a dynamic slot in macroticks (see
Minislot ActionPoint Offset
argument within theConfiguration
operation). Error Handling
FlexRay provides extensive options for detecting bus errors.
Overall, the respective bus errors affect the internal controller status within the Network FMUs.
To maintain the internal controller status, Bus Error
operations shall be provided to all relevant Network FMUs by the Bus Simulation.
Depending on the type of Bus Error
, either only the Transmit
producing or all Network FMUs must be notified via Bus Error
operation (see Table 41 for details).
5.5.4. Ethernet
This chapter is currently under development.
6. Contributions
Christian Bertsch, Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany
Clemens Boos, dSPACE GmbH, Germany
Martin Engel, dSPACE GmbH, Germany
Nikolai Fast, Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
Andreas Junghanns, Synopsys, Germany
Kahramon Jumayev, Akkodis, Germany
Pierre R. Mai, PMSF IT Consulting, Germany
Benedikt Menne, dSPACE GmbH, Germany
Jan Ribbe, Synopsys, Germany
Klaus Schuch, AVL List GmbH, Austria
Markus Süvern, dSPACE GmbH, Germany
Tim Pfitzer, Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany
Sonja Pusch, dSPACE GmbH, Germany
Patrick Täuber, dSPACE GmbH, Germany
Ella Vahle, dSPACE GmbH, Germany
Contributions to this layered standard to the FMI standard are covered by the Corporate Contributors License Agreement (CCLA) of the Modelica Association Project FMI.
[PW13] Preston-Werner, T. (2013): Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.
[RFC2119] RFC 2119.
[ISO-17458-2] ISO 17458-2:2013(en): Road vehicles - FlexRay communications system - Part 2: Data link layer specification.